1. Camping
There shall be no camping on Town or Private Property in the Town of
Swan’s Island without written permission of the landowner.
The Selectmen shall have the authority to issue permission to Swan’s
Island youth groups to camp at Mill Pond Park and the Everett Kent
Memorial Ball Field.
2. Fires
There shall be no open fires without a permit from the State Fire Warden.
Outdoor gas grills and charcoal fires in approved fire rings are allowed.
The State Fire Warden may place a temporary ban all outdoor fires if
weather conditions warrant
3. Penalty
Whoever violates any provisions of this Ordinance shall on conviction be
punished by a fine of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
State of Maine
Hancock, ss March 6, 2006
I, Gwen J. May, Town Clerk of Swan’s Island, hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true copy of an ordinance entitled “Swan’s Island Camping and Fires
Ordinance” which was enacted by the Town of Swan’s Island at the annual town
meeting on March 6, 2006.
Gwen J. May, Town Clerk of Swan’s Island