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Undersea Cable Ordinance




Section 1      General

    This Ordinance is prepared in accordance with the provisions of 30-A

M.R.S.A. Section 3001 and 38 M.R.S.A. Sections 2 and 7, and shall be known and may be cited as the "Undersea Cable Ordinance" or the "Ordinance."

    The purpose of this Ordinance is to regulate activities within the "territorial waters" of the Town, as defined in 38 M.S.A. Section 1, and located in proximity to underwater critical infrastructure, in order to promote public safety and compatible uses of these areas.

    The requirements of this Ordinance shall be in addition to, and shall not diminish, the authority of the State of Maine or the United States Army Corps of Engineers to regulate the harbor areas of the Town as may be provided by state and federal

Section 2       Rules

    No person shall place or cause to be placed any temporary or permanent mooring, anchor or any other property or obstruction within the area designated as the "Protected Undersea Cable Area" on the plan attached to this Ordinance at Exhibit "A."

    No person shall dump, discharge, or add any waste, garbage, dirt, gravel, logs, planks or other material within the area designated as the Protected Undersea CableArea.

    No person shall dredge, fish, clam, swim, set equipment or engage in any other activity that will result in direct or indirect contact or impacts to the ocean floor inthe Protected Undersea Cable Area, including tidal

    No person shall sink or abandon, or negligently permit to be sunk or abandoned, any Watercraft (as that term is defined in 38 R.S.A Section

11) inthe Protected Undersea Cable Area.

Section 3      Administration and Enforcement

    This Ordinance shall be interpreted and enforced by the Harbormaster, who shall have those powers and authority as may

,          generally be provided by 30-A M.R.S.A. Section 4452 and 38 M.R.S.A Sections 2 through 7.


    The Harbormaster shall enforce the requirements of this Ordinance and shall cooperate with other governmental agencies, as appropriate, including police, fire, or other emergency personnel, to maintain safe conditions, direct the relocation of Watercraft or other property maintained in violation of the requirements of the Ordinance, or take other action necessary or prudent to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance.

    The Harbormaster shall instruct any person, including any owner or operator of any Watercraft acting in violation of this Ordinance, to cease and desist any such action and, as appropriate, relocate or remove any Watercraft or other property maintained in violation of this Ordinance.


    If a Watercraft described in this section has no crew on board or if the owner, master, or person in charge neglects or refuses to move such Watercraft, as directed by the Harbormaster, or if the Harbormaster is unable to located the owner or master or person in charge after reasonable efforts, then the Harbormaster may take steps to remove said Watercraft, in accordance  with the  provisions  of 38 R.S.A. Section 5. Watercraft so taken into custody shall be released  to the owner by the Harbormaster  only after  satisfactory  proof of ownership has been presented, full reimbursement made to the Town for all costs incident to recovery, movement  and  storage;  and  a signed  release of all claims is executed by the Watercraft owner or duly authorized representa tive.

    In a case of a situation deemed an emergency by the Harbormaster in the exercise of his/her sole discretion, the Harbormaster may board any Watercraft as may be necessary to ensure compliance with this Ordinance, and the owner of the Watercraft shall be liable for any costs incurred by the Town in effecting such

    Any person aggrieved by any decision, act or failure to act by the Harbormaster in the administration or enforcement of this Ordinance may appeal such decision to the Municipal Officers within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision.

    Any violation of any requirement of this Ordinance shall be subject to an action brought by the Harbormaster in accordance with the provisions of 38 M.R.S.A. Sections 3 and

    The failure to obey any order of the Harbormaster shall be a Class E crime. Violations of this Ordinance, other than failure to obey an order of the Harbormaster, shall be subject to civil penalties in accordance with 30- A R.S.A. Section 4452.


Sec tion 4     Severability


If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance or its application thereof to any person(s) or circumstance(s) is deemed invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion or application shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision or application and such holding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions or applications thereof.


Attested By:

I hereby attest that this is a true copy of the Swan's Island Undersea Cable Ordinance, as enacted July 18, 2016.

Gwen J. May

Tower Ordinance

Adopted March 6, 1995


This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Swan's Island Tower Ordinance".


A tower is any structure in excess of 50 feet above natural ground level used to support electric, electronic or mechanical devices or antennas, or used to transmit, receive or carry electric or electronic impulses, including without limitation cellular telephone transmissions. Tower shall not mean a utility pole that supports electric or telephone transmission lines, and which is owned by a public utility.


No tower shall be constructed, erected or enlarged unless application therefore has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board in accordance with the standards set forth herein and a permit has been issued by the Planning Board. The procedure for submission, review, disposition, and appeal of all applications for tower construction permits shall be the same as those set forth in Section 16 of the Swan's Island Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.


Towers shall be designed and sited so as to avoid application of Federal or State lighting requirements. Towers shall no be artificially lighted except to assure human safety as required by the Federal Aviation Administration or applicable State of Federal laws or regulations.

Towers shall be painted gray above the surrounding tree line and painted gray or green below the surrounding tree line unless other standards are required by the Federal Aviation Administration. Ancillary facilities shall maximize use of building materials, colors and texture designed to blend with the natural surroundings.

No tower shall exceed one hundred (100) feet in height, measured vertically from a point on the ground at the center of the tower's base.


No tower shall be located within the zone to which the Swan's Island Shoreland Zoning Ordinance applies, as described in Section 5 thereof.

No tower shall be located within 2,640 feet (one-half mile) of the perimeter of any aircraft landing strip. This restriction shall supplement any applicable Federal or State standards concerning the same subject matter, and shall apply equally to all aircraft landing strips regardless of whether they are required to be registered with any Federal or State Agency.

No tower shall be located within 1,320 feet (one-quarter mile) of a dwelling unless it is located on the same lot as such dwelling.


I, Gwen J. May, Town Clerk of Swan's Island, attest that this is a true copy of the Swan's Island Tower Ordinance duly adopted at a Regular Town Meeting on March 6, 1995.


Gwen J. May
Town Clerk

Subdivision Ordinance

SECTION I. PURPOSES… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...… … 2
SECTION II. AUTHORITY AND ADMINISTRATION.......................… … … … … 3
SECTION III. DEFINITIONS… … … ......................................… … … … … … … … . 4
SECTION IV. PREAPPLICATION...................................… … … … … … … … … . 8
SECTION VI. FINAL PLAN FOR A SUBDIVISION… … … … … … .................... 12
SECTION VII. ENFORCEMENT............................… … … … … … … … … … … … . 17
SECTION VIII.GENERAL STANDARDS ...............................… … … … … … … .. 19
SECTION IX. DESIGN STANDARDS................................… … … … … … … … 23
SECTION X. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES..........................… … .… … ... 27
SECTION XI. WAIVERS........................................... … … … … … … … … .… … . 29
SECTION XII. APPEALS.........................................… … … … … … … … … … … . 30
SECTION XIV. ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE.........................… … … … ... 30
SECTION XV. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE....................... … … … … 31
The purpose of these standards shall be to assure the comfort, convenience,
safety, health and welfare of the people, to protect the environment and to
promote the development of an economically sound and stable community.
To this end, in approving subdivisions within the Town of Swan's Island, Maine,
the Planning Board shall consider the following criteria and before granting
approval shall affirmatively determine that the proposed subdivision:
1. Will not result in undue water or air pollution. In making this determination
it shall at least consider: the elevation of land above sea level and its
relation to the flood plains, the nature of soils and subsoils and their ability
to adequately support waste disposal; the slope of the land and its effect
on effluents; the availability of streams for disposal of effluents; and the
applicable state and local health and water resources regulations.
2. Has sufficient water available for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the
3. Will not cause an unreasonable burden on an existing water supply, if one
is to be utilized.
4. Will not cause an unreasonable soil erosion or reduction in the capacity of
the land to hold water so that a dangerous or unhealthy condition may
5. Will not cause unreasonable highway, public road, or other public
congestion or unsafe conditions with respect to use of the highways or
public roads existing or proposed.
6. Will provide for adequate sewage waste disposal and will not cause an
unreasonable burden on the ability of a municipality to dispose of solid
waste and sewage if municipal services are to be utilized.
7. Municipal solid waste and sewage disposal. The proposed subdivision will
not cause an unreasonable burden on the municipality's ability to dispose
of solid waste and sewage, if municipal services are to be utilized.
8. Will not have an undue adverse effect on the scenic or natural beauty of
the area, aesthetics, historic sites, significant wildlife habitat identified by
the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife or the municipality, rare
and irreplaceable natural areas or any public rights for physical or visual
access to the shoreline.
9. Is in conformance with a duly adopted subdivision regulation or ordinance,
comprehensive plan, development plan, or land use plan.
10. The subdivider has adequate financial and technical capacity to meet the
above stated standards.
11. Whenever situated, in whole or in part within the watershed of any pond
or, within 250 feet of any wetland, great pond, lake, river or tidal waters as
defined in Title 38, Chapter 3, subchapter I, will not adversely affect the
quality of such body of water or unreasonably affect the shoreline of such
body of water.
12. Will not, alone or in conjunction with existing activities, adversely affect the
quality or quantity of ground water.
13. Flood areas. Based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's
Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps and Flood Insurance Rate Maps,
and information presented by the applicant, whether the subdivision is in a
flood-prone area. If the subdivision, or any part of it, is in such an area,
the subdivider shall determine the 100-year flood elevation and flood
hazard boundaries within the subdivision. The proposed subdivision plan
must include a condition of plat approval requiring that principal structures
in the subdivision will be constructed with their lowest floor, including the
basement, at least one foot above the 100-year flood elevation.
14. Freshwater wetlands. All potential freshwater wetlands within the
proposed subdivision have been identified on any maps submitted as part
of the application, regardless of the size of these wetlands. Any mapping
of freshwater wetlands may be done with the help of the local Soil and
Water Conservation District.
15. River, stream or brook. Any river, stream or brook within or abutting the
proposed subdivision has been identified on any maps submitted as part
of the application. For purposes of this Section, "river, stream or
brook" has the same meaning as in Title 38, Section 480-B, subsection 9.
16. Storm water. The proposed subdivision will provide for adequate storm
water management.
2.1 Authority
These standards have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of
Title 30-A, M.R.S.A., Sections 4401-4407 (Subdivision Law) and Section 1917
(Home Rule); and Article VIII, Part 2, Section I of the Maine State
2.2 Administration
A. The Planning Board of the Town of Swans Island, hereinafter called
the Board, shall administer these standards.
B. The provisions of these standards shall pertain to all proposed
subdivisions as herein defined within the boundaries of the Town of
Swans Island.
C. The Planning Board may, from time to time, approve the use of forms
for applications and submissions for approval which the applicant shall
use in making application to the Board.
In general, words and terms used in these regulations shall have their customary
dictionary meanings. More specifically, certain words and terms used herein are
defined as follow:
Complete Application - An application shall be considered complete upon
submission of the required fee and all information required by these regulations
for a Final Plan, or by a vote by the Board to waive the submission of required
Comprehensive Plan or Policy Statement - Any part or element of the overall
plan or policy for development of the municipality as defined in Title 30 M.R.S.A.,
Section 4961.
Contiguous Lots - Lots which adjoin at any line, a point on a line, or are
separated at any point by a body of water less than fifteen (15) feet wide.
Contractors Liability - Any contractor, subdivider or his agent involved in any
activity regulated by the provisions of this Ordinance shall be held liable for
violating this Ordinance if the necessary permits for the said activity have not
been obtained.
Densely Developed Area - "Densely developed area" means any commercial,
industrial or compact residential area of 10 or more acres with an existing density
of at least one principal structure per 2 acres.
Developed Area - Any area on which a site improvement or change is made,
including buildings, landscaping, parking areas, etc.
Dwelling Structure - A single building containing one or more dwelling units.
Dwelling Unit - A room or group of rooms designed and equipped exclusively for
use as permanent, seasonal, or temporary living quarters through sale or lease
for only one (1) family or person, including single-family and multifamily housing,
condominiums, apartments and time share units.
Family - One or more person occupying a dwelling unit and living as a single
housekeeping unit.
Final Plan - The final drawings on which the applicant's plan of subdivision is
presented to the Board for approval and which, if approved, may be recorded at
the Registry of Deeds.
Freshwater Wetland - "Freshwater wetland" means freshwater swamps,
marshes, bogs and similar areas which are:
A. Inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and for
a duration sufficient to support, and which under normal circumstances do
support, a prevalence of wetland vegetation typically adapted for life in
saturated soils; and
B. Not considered part of a great pond, coastal wetland, river, stream or
These areas may contain small stream channels or inclusions of land that do not
conform to the criteria of this subsection.
Lodging Unit - Any structure used in whole or in part in which lodging is offered
for compensation to three (3) or more families with or without meals, including,
but not limited to, hotel, motel, boarding house, or bed and breakfast.
Marine-Related Activities - Operations may include activities associated with
the maintenance, storage, building, and supply of boats; or landing, holding,
buying, selling, and shipment of fish and shellfish, but may not include fish
processing without prior approval by the State and Town. Any change in the use
of a marine-related structure or a marine-related activity shall require approval by
the Board.
Marine-Related Structure - Marine-related structures may be used for activity
associated with the maintenance, storage, building, and supply of boats; or the
landing, holding, buying, selling, and shipment of fish and shellfish, but may not
include fish processing without prior approval by the State and Town. A marinerelated
structure shall be no larger than necessary to carry on the marine
activity(ies) intended, and shall be consistent with existing conditions, uses, and
the character of the area. This definition shall not be construed to allow dwelling
units within seventy-five (75) feet of the shoreline boundary.
Multi-Family Dwelling Unit - A building or portion thereof used for residential
occupancy by three or more families living independently.
100-Year Flood - The highest level of flood that, on the average, is likely to occur
once every 100 years (that has a one percent chance of occurring in any year).
Official Submittal Date - The date upon which a complete application has been
submitted to the Board.
Person - Includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company,
or corporation, as well as an individual.
Planning Board - The Planning Board of the Town of Swans Island, created
under Title 30 M.R.S.A., 4952 (or 1917).
Preliminary Subdivision Plan - The preliminary drawings indicating the
proposed layout of the subdivision to be submitted to the Board for its
Recording Plan - A copy of the Final Plan will be recorded at the Registry of
Resubdivision - Any change in the plan of an approved subdivision which
effects the lot lines, including land transactions by the subdivider not indicated on
the approved plan.
Road - A vehicular way over 500 feet in length or a vehicular way serving more
than one principal structure or more than one lot upon which dwellings could be
Shoreline Boundary - The line where terrestrial vegetation and soil ends and
aquatic vegetation or shore material (such as ledge, rock, stones, pebbles, or
sand) begins.
Structure - Structure shall mean anything constructed or erected with a fixed
location on or in the ground, or attached to something having a fixed location on
or in the ground, including but not limited to: buildings, mobile homes, radio and
television sending and receiving equipment, walls, billboards, signs, piers, floats;
anything built for the support, shelter, or enclosure of person, animals, goods, or
property of any kind.
Structure, Accessory - A subordinate structure or use, but related to that of the
principal structure/use of the building, or use of the land.
Structure, Principal - A structure associated with the primary use of the lot.
Structure or Structures, New - "New structure or structures" includes any
structure for which construction begins on or after September 23, 1988. The
area included in the expansion of an existing structure is deemed to be a new
structure for the purposes of these standards.
Subdivision - The division of a tract or parcel of land into three or more lots
within any five-year period, which period begins after September 22, 1971,
whether accomplished by sale, lease, development, buildings, or otherwise, the
term "subdivision" also includes the division of a new structure or structures on a
tract or parcel of land into 3 or more dwelling units within a five-year period, the
construction of 3 or more dwelling units on a single tract or parcel of land and the
division of an existing structure or structures previously for commercial or
industrial use into 3 or more dwelling units with a five-year period, provided that a
division accomplished by devise, condemnation, order of court, gift to a person
related to the donor by blood, marriage or adoption, unless the intent of such
division is to avoid the objectives of these regulations, or by transfer of any
interest in land to the owner of land abutting thereon, shall not be considered to
create a lot or lots for the purpose of these regulations.
In determining whether a tract or parcel of land is divided into three or more lots,
the first dividing of such tract or parcel, unless otherwise exempted herein, shall
be considered to create the first two lots and the next dividing of either of said
first two lots, by whomever accomplished, unless otherwise exempted herein,
shall be considered to create the third lot, unless both such dividings are
accomplished by a subdivider who shall have retained one of such lots for his
own use as a single family residence or for open space land as defined in Title
36, Section 1102, for a period of at least five years prior to such second dividing.
Lots of forty (40) or more acres shall not be counted as lots, except when
the lot or parcel from which it was divided is located entirely or partially within any
shoreland area as defined in Title 38, Section 435, and the Swans Island
Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.
For the purposes of these regulations, a tract or parcel of land is defined as all
contiguous land in the same ownership, provided that lands located on opposite
sides of a public or private road are considered each a separate tract or parcel of
land unless the road was established by the owner of land on both sides of the
Without limiting the foregoing, the establishment on a tract or parcel of land of a
multi-family dwelling unit, or the division of an existing structure or structures
previously used for commercial or industrial use, whether for sale or rent or the
establishment on a tract or parcel of land of a lodging unit, shall constitute a
subdivision within the above definition.
In determining the number of dwelling units in a structure, the provisions of this
subsection regarding the determination of the number of lots apply, including
exemptions from the definition of a subdivision of land.
4.1 Procedure
A. Applicant presentation and submission of sketch plans.
B. Question and answer period. Board makes specific suggestions to be
incorporated by the applicant into subsequent submissions.
C. Scheduling of on-site inspection.
4.2 Submission. The Pre-application Sketch Plan shall show, in simple sketch
form, the proposed layout of streets, lots, and other features in relation to
existing conditions. The Sketch Plan, which may be a free-hand penciled
sketch, should be supplemented with general information to describe or
outline the existing conditions of the site and the proposed development.
The Sketch Plan shall be accompanied by a copy of the U.S.G.S.
topographic map of the are a showing the outline of the proposed
4.3 Contour Interval and On-Site Inspection. Within thirty days plus the
number of days until the next regular Board meeting, the Board shall
determine and inform the applicant in writing of the required contour interval
on the Preliminary Plan, and hold an onsite inspection of the property.
4.4 Rights Not Vested. The submittal or review of the pre-application sketch
plan shall not be considered the initiation of the review process for the
purposes of bringing the plan under the protection of Title 1, M.R.S.A., 302.
4.4 Ownership. A copy of the deed or binding Purchase and Sales Agreement
showing ownership of the proposed subdivision shall be submitted.
5.1 Procedure
A. Within six months after the on-site inspection by the Board, the
subdivider shall submit an application for approval of Preliminary Plan at
least fourteen (14) days prior to a scheduled meeting of the Board.
Failure to do so shall require resubmission of the Sketch Plan to the Board.
The Preliminary Plan shall approximate the layout shown on the Sketch
Plan plus any recommendations made by the Board.
C. All applications for Preliminary Plan approval shall be accompanied by a
fee of $100.00 per lot or dwelling unit, payable by check to the
municipality. If a public hearing is deemed necessary by the Board, an
additional fee shall be required to cover the costs of advertising and postal
C. The subdivider, or his duly authorized representative, shall attend the
meeting of the Board to discuss the Preliminary Plan.
D. The subdivider shall certify to the Board that all owners of abutting
property have been notified that an application for subdivision approval
has been submitted to the Board.
E. Within thirty days of receipt of Preliminary Plan application form and
fee plus the number of days until the next regular Board meeting, the
Board shall notify the applicant in writing, if the application is complete, or
what additional submissions are required for a complete application.
After the Board has determined that a complete application has been filed,
it shall notify the applicant and begin its full evaluation of the proposed
F. The Board shall determine whether to hold a public hearing on the
Preliminary Plan application. If the Board decides to hold a public
hearing, it shall hold the hearing within thirty days after determining
it has received of receipt of a complete application, and shall post
notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing in the municipality at
least two times, the date of the first publication to be at least seven days
prior to the hearing.
G. The Board shall, within thirty days of a public hearing, or within sixty days
plus the number of days until the next regular Board meeting, after
determining it has received of receipt of a complete application, if no
hearing is held, or within another time limit as may be otherwise
mutually agreed to by the Board and the subdivider, make findings of fact
on the application, and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the
Preliminary Plan. The Board shall specify in writing its findings of
fact and reasons for any conditions or denial.
H. When granting approval to a Preliminary Plan, the Board shall
state the conditions of such approval, if any, with respect to:
1. The specific changes which it will require on the Final Plan;
2. The character and extent of the required improvements for which
waivers may have been requested and which in the Board's opinion
may be waived without jeopardy to the public health, safety, and
general welfare; and
3. The amount of improvement or the amount of all performance
guarantees which it will require as prerequisite to the approval of
the Final Plan.
I. Approval of a Preliminary Plan shall not constitute approval of the Final Plan
or intent to approve the Final Plan, but rather it shall be deemed an
expression of approval of the design of the Preliminary Plan as a guide to
the preparation of the Final Plan. The Final Plan shall be submitted for
approval of the Board upon fulfillment of the requirements of these
regulations and the conditions of the preliminary approval, if any. Prior
to approval of the Final Plan, the Board may require additional changes
as a result of further study of the subdivision or as a result of new
information received.
5.2 Submissions
A. Location Map: The Preliminary Plan shall be accompanied by a
Location Map drawn at a scale adequate to show the relationship of the
proposed subdivision to the adjacent properties, and to allow the Board
to locate the subdivision within the municipality. The Location Map
shall show:
1. Existing subdivisions in the proximity of the proposed subdivision.
2. Locations and names of existing and proposed streets.
3. Boundaries and designations of zoning districts.
4. An outline of the proposed subdivision and any remaining portion of
the owner's property if the Preliminary Plan submitted covers only a
portion of the owner's entire holding.
B. Preliminary Plan: The Preliminary Plan shall be submitted in three
copies of one or more maps or drawings which may be printed or
reproduced on paper with all dimensions shown in feet or decimals of a
foot. The Preliminary Plan shall be drawn to a scale of not more than
one hundred feet to the inch provided all necessary detail can easily be
read. In addition, one copy of the Plan(s) reduced to a size of 8 1/2 x 11
inches shall be mailed to each Board member no less than seven days
prior to the meeting. The following information shall either be shown on
the Preliminary Plan or accompany the application for preliminary
1. Proposed name of the subdivision and the name of the
municipality in which it is located, plus lot numbers.
2. An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving
complete descriptive data by bearings and distances, made and
certified by a licensed land surveyor. The corner of the tract shall be
located on the ground and marked by monument. The plan shall
indicate the type of monument set or found at each lot corner.
3. A copy of the deed from which the survey was based. A copy
of all covenants or deed restrictions, easements, rights-of way, or
other encumbrances currently affecting the property.
4. A copy of any covenants or deed restriction intended to cover all or
part of the lots in the subdivision, including road maintenance and
snow removal agreements.
5. Contour lines at the interval specified by the Planning Board, showing
elevations in relation to mean sea level.
6. The number of acres within the proposed subdivision, location of
property lines, existing buildings, watercourses, vegetative cover
type, shoreline boundaries, and other essential existing physical
7. Indication of the type of sewage disposal to be used in the
a. When treated sewage is to be discharge overboard, a letter from
the DEP, indicating the adequacy of the body of water receiving
the discharge of treated sewage, shall be submitted.
b. When sewage disposal is to be accomplished by subsurface
sewage disposal systems, test pit analysis, prepared by a
Licensed Site Evaluator shall be provided. A map showing the
location of all test pits dug on the site shall be submitted.
8. Indication of the type of water system(s) to be used in the
9. The date the Plan was prepared, magnetic north point, graphic map
scale, names and addresses of the record owner, subdivider, and
individual or company who prepared the plan.
10. The names and addresses of owners of record of adjacent
property, including any property directly across an existing road from
the subdivision.
11. The location of any zoning boundaries affecting the subdivision.
12. The location and size of existing and proposed sewers, water mains,
culverts, and drainage ways on or adjacent to the property to be
13. The location, names, and present widths of existing and proposed
streets, highways, easements, building lines, parks and other open
spaces on or adjacent to the subdivision.
14. The proposed lot lines with dimensions and lot areas.
15. All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and the
conditions of such dedication.
16. The location of any open space to be preserved and an indication of
its improvement and management.
17. A soil erosion and sedimentation control plan endorsed by the
County Soil and Water Conservation District may be required by the
Planning Board.
18. A copy of that portion of the County Soil Survey covering the
subdivision. When the medium intensity soil survey shows soils
which are generally unsuitable for the uses proposed, the Board
may require the submittal of a report by a registered soil scientist
indicating the suitability of soil conditions for those uses.
6.1 Procedure
A. The subdivider shall, within six months after the preliminary approval of
the Preliminary Plan, file with the Planning Board an application for
approval of the Final Subdivision Plan in the form described herein. If
the Final Plan is not submitted to the Planning Board within six months
after the approval of Preliminary Plan, the Planning Board may refuse
without prejudice to act on the Final Plan and require re-submission of
the Preliminary Plan.
B. Within thirty (30) days plus the number of days until the next regular
Board meeting of receipt of a Final Plan application form and fee, the
Board shall notify the applicant in writing, if the application is complete, or
what additional submissions are required for a complete application.
After the Board has determined that a complete application has been
filed, it shall notify the applicant and begin its full evaluation of the
proposed subdivision.
C. The subdivider, or his duly authorized representative, shall attend the
meeting of the Board to discuss the Final Plan.
D. Upon determination that a complete application has been submitted for
review, the Board shall determine whether to hold a public hearing on the
Final Plan application.
E. Prior to submittal of the Final Plan application, the following approvals
shall be obtained in writing, where appropriate.
1. Maine Department of Environmental Protection, under the Site
Location of Development Act, Alteration of Coastal Wetlands
Act, Great Ponds Act, Alteration of Stream and Rivers Act, or if a
Wastewater Discharge License is needed.
2. Maine Department of Human Services, if the subdivider proposes to
provide a central water supply system.
3. Maine Department of Human Services, if a centralized or shared
subsurface sewage disposal system(s) is to be utilized.
F. A public hearing may be held by the Planning Board within thirty days after
the issuance of a receipt for the submittal of a complete application.
Notice of the hearing shall be posted in at least three prominent places at
least seven days prior to the hearing.
G. Before the Planning Board grants approval of the Final Plan, the
subdivider shall, in an amount set by the Planning Board, either file with
the Municipal Treasurer a certified check to cover the full cost of the
required improvements, or the subdivider shall file with the Municipal
Treasurer a performance bond to cover the cost of the required
improvements. Any such bond shall be satisfactory to the Municipal
Officers and municipal attorney as to form, sufficiency, manner of
execution and surety. A period of one year (or such other period as the
Planning Board may determine appropriate, not to exceed three years)
shall be set forth in the bond time within which required improvements
must be completed. The certified check or bond may include an amount
required for recreation land improvements as specified.
H. From the date of receipt of the Final Plan the Board shall have sixty (60)
days plus the number of days until the next regular Board meeting or within
another time limit as may be mutually agreed to by the Board and the
subdivider plus the number of days until the next regular Board meeting to
approve, modify and approve, or disapprove the Final Plan. The reasons
for any modifications required or the grounds for disapproval shall be
stated upon the records of the Planning Board. Failure of the Planning
board to act within the above period shall constitute disapproval of the
Final Plan.
6.2 Submissions
A. The Final Plan shall consist of one or more maps or drawings to
a scale of not more than one hundred feet to the inch. Plans for
subdivisions containing more than seventy-five acres may be drawn at a
scale of not more than two hundred feet to the inch. Plans shall be no
larger than 24 x 36 inches in size, and shall have a margin of two inches
outside of the border line on the left side for binding and a one inch margin
outside the border along the remaining sides. Space shall be reserved
thereon for endorsement by the Board. Two reproducible, stable based
transparent originals, one to be recorded at the Registry of Deeds, then
other to be filed at the Municipal Offices, and three copies of the plan
The subdivider may, instead, submit one reproducible stable based
transparent original of the Final Plan and one Recording Plan with three
copies of the Final Plan. In addition, one copy of the Final Plan, which may
be reduced to a size of 8 1/2 x 11 inches, and all accompanying information
shall be mailed to each Board member no less than seven days prior to the
The application for approval of the Final Plan shall include the following
1. Proposed name of the subdivision and the name of the municipality in
which it is located, and lot numbers.
2. An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete
descriptive data by bearings and distances, made and certified by a
licensed land surveyor. The corner of the tract shall be located on the
ground and marked by monument. The plan shall indicate the type of
monument set or found at each lot corner.
3. The number of acres within the proposed subdivision, location of property
lines, existing shoreline boundary lines, existing buildings, watercourses,
and other essential existing physical features.
4. Indication of the type of sewage disposal to be used in the subdivision.
5. Indication of the type of water supply system(s) to be used in the
6. The date the Plan was prepared, magnetic and true north point, graphic
map scale, names and address of the record owner, subdivider, and
individual or company who prepared the plan.
7. The location of any zoning boundaries affecting the subdivision.
8. The location and size of existing and proposed sewers, culverts, and
drainage ways on or adjacent to the property to be subdivided.
9. The location, names, and present widths of existing and proposed streets,
highways, easements, building lines, parks and other open spaces on or
adjacent to the subdivision. The plan shall contain sufficient data to allow
the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line, and boundary
line to be readily determined and be reproduced upon the ground. These
lines shall be tied to reference points previously established.
10. All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and the
conditions of such dedication. Written offers of cession to the municipality
of all public open spaces shown on the Plan, and open spaces to be
retained by the developer or lot owners are to be maintained shall be
submitted. If open space or other land is to be offered to the municipality,
written evidence that the Municipal Officers are satisfied with the legal
sufficiency of the written offer of cession shall be included.
11. A list of the construction items that will be completed by the developer prior
to the sale of lots shall be submitted.
6.3 Final Approval and Filing
A. No plan shall be approved by the Planning Board as long as the
subdivider is in default on the previously approved Plan.
B. Upon findings of fact and determination that all standards in
Title 30 30-A, M.R.S.A. 4956 4401, subsection 3, and these
regulations have been met, and upon voting to approve the
subdivision, the Board shall sign the Final Plan. One copy of
the signed plan shall be retained by the Board as part of its
permanent records. One copy of the signed plan shall be
forwarded to the Tax Assessor. One copy of the signed plan
shall be forwarded to the Code Enforcement Officer. Any
subdivision not recorded in the Registry of Deeds within thirty
days of the date upon which the plan is approved and signed by
the Board shall become null and void. The approved Final Plan
will not be considered in effect until said Plan is filed with
the Registry of Deeds and a certified copy received by the
Planning Board.
C. If any aspect of the Board approval is conditional, the specific conditions
shall be stated on the Final Plan prior to signing by the Board.
D. At the time the Board grants Final Plan approval, it may permit
the Plan to be divided into two or more sections subject to any
conditions the Board deems necessary in order to insure the
orderly development of the Plan.
E. No changes, erasures, modifications, or revisions shall be
made in any Final Plan after approval has been given by the
Planning Board and endorsed in writing on the Plan, unless the
revised Final Plan is first submitted and the Board approves any
modifications, except in accordance with Section 7.1.C. The
Board shall make findings that the revised plan meets the
standards of Title 30 30-A, M.R.S.A., 4956 4401, subsection 3,
and these regulations. In the event that a Plan is recorded
without complying with this requirement, it shall be considered
null and void, and the Board shall institute proceedings to have
the Plan stricken from the records of the Registry of Deeds.
F. The approval by the Board of a subdivision plan shall not be
deemed to constitute or be evidence of any acceptance by the
municipality of any street, easement, or other open space shown
on such plan. When a park, playground, or other recreation
area shall have been shown on the Plan to be
dedicated to the municipality, approval of the Plan shall not
constitute an acceptance by the municipality of such areas. The
Board shall require the Plan to contain appropriate notes to
this effect. The Board may also require the filing of a written
agreement between the applicant and the Municipal Officers
covering future deeds and title, dedication, and provision for
the cost of grading, development, equipment, and maintenance of
any such dedicated area.
7.1 Inspection of Required Improvements
A. At least five days prior to commencing each major phase of
construction of required improvements, the subdivider or agent
shall notify the Code Enforcement Officer in writing the time
when he proposes to commence construction of such improvements,
so that the Municipal Officers can cause inspection to be made
to assure that all municipal specifications and requirements
shall be met during the construction of required improvements,
and to assure the satisfactory completion of improvements and
utilities required by the Board.
B. If the inspecting official finds upon inspection of the
improvements that any of the required improvements have not been
constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications
filed by the subdivider, he shall so report in writing to the
Municipal Officers, Planning Board, and the subdivider or agent.
The Municipal Officers shall take any steps necessary to
preserve the municipality's rights.
C. If at any time before or during the construction of the
required improvements, it appears to be necessary or desirable
to modify the required improvements, the inspecting official is
authorized to approve minor modifications due to unforeseen
circumstances such as encountering hidden outcrops of bedrock,
natural springs, etc. The inspecting official shall issue any
approval under this Section in writing and shall transmit a copy
of the approval to the Board. Revised plans shall be filed with
the Town. For major modifications, such as relocation of rightsof-
way, property boundaries, etc., the subdivider shall obtain
permission to modify the plans from the Board.
D. Prior to the sale of any lot, the subdivider shall provide the
Board with a letter from a registered land surveyor, stating
that all monumentation shown on the plan has been installed.
E. If there are any underground utilities, the servicing utility
shall certify in writing that they have been installed in a
manner acceptable to the utility.
F. The subdivider or agent shall be required to maintain all
G. The subdivider or agent shall provide for snow removal and
sanding for residences in use and to ensure public safety.
7.2 Violations and Enforcement
A. No plan of a division of land within the municipality which
would constitute a subdivision shall be recorded in the
Registry of Deeds until a Final Plan has been approved by the
Board in accordance with these regulations.
B. No person, firm, corporation or other legal entity may convey,
offer or agree to convey any land in a subdivision which has
not been approved by the Board and recorded in the Registry of
Deeds. A recorded copy of the subdivision, stamped by the
Registry of Deeds, shall be returned to the Board within 30
C. No person, firm, corporation or their legal entity may convey,
offer or agree to convey any land in an approved subdivision
which is not shown on the Final Plan as a separate lot.
D. Any person, firm, corporation or other legal entity who
conveys, offers or agrees to convey any land in a subdivision
which has not been approved as required by these regulations
shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00 for each
such conveyance, offering or agreement. The Attorney General,
the municipality, the Planning Board of any municipality or the
appropriate municipal officers may institute proceedings to
enjoin the violations of this Section and if a violation is
found by the court, the municipality, municipal Planning Board,
or the appropriate municipal officers shall be allowed attorney
fees. Each day in which a violation is proven to exist shall
constitute a separate violation under this Section.
E. No public utility, water district, sanitary district or any
utility company of any kind shall serve any lot in a subdivision
for which a Final Plan has not been approved by the Board.
F. Development of a subdivision without Board approval shall be a
violation of law. Development includes grading or construction
of roads, grading of land or lots, or construction of buildings which require a
Final Plan approved as provided in these regulations and recorded in the
Registry of Deeds.
G. No lot in a subdivision may be sold, leased, or otherwise
conveyed before the road upon which the lot fronts is completed
in accordance with these regulations up to and including the
entire frontage of the lot. No unit in a multifamily development shall be
occupied before the street upon which the unit is accessed is completed in
accordance with these regulations.
H. Permanent marker required. No person may sell or convey any land in an
approved subdivision unless at least one permanent marker is set at one
lot corner of the lot sold or conveyed. The term "permanent marker"
includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. A granite monument;
2. A concrete monument;
3. An iron pin; or
4. A drill hole in ledge.
In reviewing applications for a subdivision, the Board shall consider the
following general standards and make findings that each has been met
prior to the approval of a Final Plan. In all instances the burden of
proof shall be upon the applicant.
8.1 Conformance with Comprehensive Plan. All proposed subdivisions
shall be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of the
municipality and with the provisions of all pertinent State and
local codes and ordinances.
8.2 Retention of Open Spaces and Natural or Historic Features
A. In any subdivision larger than thirty-five acres, or more than
twenty lots or dwelling units, the developer shall provide up to
ten percent of his total area as open space. In any subdivision
thirty-five acres or less, or containing twenty lots or dwelling
units or less, the Board may request the developer to provide up
to ten percent of his total area as open space.
B. Land reserved for open space purposes shall be of a character,
configuration and location suitable for the particular use
intended. A site intended to be used for active recreation
purposes, such as a playground or a play field, should be
relatively level and dry, have a total frontage on one or more
streets of at least 200 feet, and have no major dimensions of
less than 200 feet. Sites selected primarily for scenic or
passive recreation purposes shall have access as the Board may
deem suitable and no less than twenty-five feet of road
frontage. The configuration of such sites shall be deemed
adequate by the Board with regard to scenic attributes to be
preserved, together with sufficient areas for trails, lookouts,
etc. where necessary and appropriate.
C. Reserved land acceptable to the Board and subdivider may be
dedicated to the municipality as a condition of approval.
D. The Board may require the preservation of scenic, historic or
environmentally significant areas.
E. Where the proposed subdivision is located on a lake, pond,
river, stream or shoreline, a portion of the waterfront area,
when feasible, shall be included in the reserved land.
8.3 Land Not Suitable for Development. The following lands shall not be
included in the calculations of lot area for the purpose of meeting
the requirements of the Minimum Lot Size Law.
A. Land which is situated below the normal high water mark of any
water body.
B. Land which is located within the 100-year frequency flood plan
as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Flood Insurance
Administration, unless the subdivider shows proof through the
submittal of materials prepared by a register land surveyor
which show that the property in question lies at least two feet
above the 100-year flood level. The elevation of filled or made
land shall not be considered.
C. Land which is part of a right-of-way, or easement, including
utility easements.
D. Wherever situated, in whole or in part, within 250 feet of
the high water line of any pond, lake, river or tidal waters, a
proposed subdivision shall conform to the Municipal Shoreland
Zoning Ordinance, or any other local land use ordinances.
8.4 Lots
A. All lots shall be a minimum of two (2) acres in size, not including rights-ofway,
roads, easements, or land not in the same ownership, or below the
shoreline boundary, except those lots situated within the Fishery District
only, and use for marine-related activities shall have no minimum lot size.
Each lot shall contain within its boundaries a rectangle 200 x 300 feet.
B. Lot configuration and area shall be designed to provide for adequate offstreet
parking and service facilities based upon the type of development
C. A lot abutting a road shall have a minimum frontage of 200 feet, measured
in a straight line between the points of intersection of the side lot lines with
the abutting road.
D. A lot abutting a pond, stream, or tidal water shall have a minimum shore
frontage of 200 feet, measured in a straight line between the points of
intersection of the side lot lines with the shoreland boundary.
E. Lots with overboard discharge systems shall have a minimum of 300 feet on
the shoreland boundary.
F. Dimensional Requirements - The placement of principal and accessory
structures on all lots shall meet or exceed the following minimum
1. Seventy-five (75) foot setback from the shoreline boundary of any pond
or salt water body;
2. Sixty (60) foot setback from the center line of the traveled way of all
roads open to the public;
3. Ten (10) foot setback from the center line of any utility right-of-way;
4. Thirty (30) foot setback from all property lines.
Provisions one (1) and two (2) shall not apply to marine-related structures
which require direct access to the water as an operational necessity.
Provision four (4) shall not apply to marine-related structures in the Fishery
G. Where a tract is subdivided into lots substantially larger than the minimum
size required herein, the Board may require that street and lot be laid out so
as to permit future subdivision in accordance with the requirements
contained in these standards.
H. No lot in a subdivision may be further subdivided without the approval of the
Planning Board.
I. If more than one principal structure or dwelling structure is construct on a
single parcel, all lot standards and dimensions requirements shall be met
for each additional principal structure or dwelling structure.
J. A multi-family dwelling, lodging unit, condominium and cluster subdivision
shall have a minimum lot size equal to two acres for the first family unit plus
one-half acre for each additional individual family unit located thereon and
shall fully comply with all setback requirements of these regulations and all
provisions of the Municipal Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.
Commercial activities serving or open to person(s) occupying the lodging
unit, which are constructed or included as part of apartments, boarding
houses, hotels, and motels shall require a minimum of one acre of
additional land for each separate commercial activity.
K. Renovation of existing structure for the purpose of creating a bed and
breakfast lodging:
1. Limited to not more than 4 bedrooms for rent per structure.
2. Must conform to present Maine State Plumbing Code.
a. Plumbing conversions permit.
b. Letter of compliance from local plumbing inspector.
3. Must conform to present Maine State Electrical Code.
a. Letter of compliance from master electrician.
4. Must conform to present Maine State Fire Code.
a. Letter of compliance from fire chief.
5. Shall provide one off-street parking space (10'x 20') for each
6. Owner or person in charge shall have their residence in the same
structure containing rooms for rent.
7. Must obtain proper license from the Department of Human Services
and furnish the Planning Board with a copy of that license.
8.5 Utilities
A. The type and location of electric, telephone, and other utilities shall
be shown on the plan and approved by the Board.
B. The following are required improvements: monuments, utilities, roads,
Water supply, sewage disposal and storm drainage, except where the
Board may waive or vary such improvements in
accordance with the provisions of these standards.
9.1 Monuments
A. Permanent monuments shall be set at all corners and angle points of the
Subdivision boundaries; and at all street intersections.
B. Monuments shall be concrete, stone or iron pipe, located in the ground
and indicated on the Final Plan.
9.2 Off-Street Parking and Loading
A. Off-street parking, either by means of unenclosed suitable spaces each
having a minimum area of 200 square feet plus necessary maneuvering
space, or by enclosed garage space, shall be provided in the case of
new construction, alterations and changes of use, according to the
following minimum requirements:
1. Single-family dwelling unit: Two (2) spaces for each dwelling unit.
2. Commercial establishments:
. Restaurant: One parking space for every four (4) seats;
. Retail store: One space for each one hundred (100) square feet of
retail floor space;
. All other commercial establishments: One space for each
three hundred (300) square feet of floor area.
3. Churches and places of assembly: One space for each four (4)
persons accommodated.
9.3 Roads
A. Roads shall be located, constructed, and maintained so that erosion is
kept to a minimum. Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent soil
erosion and sedimentation of surface waters.
B. Additionally, all roads constructed shall conform to the following
1. Road crossings of watercourses shall be kept to the minimum number
2. Bottoms of culverts shall be installed at streambed elevation.
3. All cut or filled banks and areas of exposed mineral soil shall be
re-vegetated or otherwise stabilized as soon as possible.
4. When road crossings of watercourses are to be used on unfrozen
surface waters, bridges or culverts of adequate size and design shall be
\ provided so as to support a Gross Vehicle Weight of 72,000 pounds.
5. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, and location of all
roads shall be considered in their relation to existing or planned roads,
to topographical conditions, to public convenience, to safety, and to the
proposed uses to be served by such roads. Grades of roads shall
conform as closely as possible to the original topography.
6. All roads within the subdivision shall be constructed according to
design specifications herein as overseen by the municipal road
commissioner, appointed engineer, or agent. All roads shall be
capable of supporting at least a Gross Vehicle Weight of 72,000 pounds.
Height clearance 13'6"
Minimum width of right-of-way 66'
Minimum width of traveled way 20'
Maximum grade 10%
Maximum grade within 50' of intersection 5%
Maximum angle of intersection 60o
Minimum width of shoulder 3'
Minimum slope of shoulder 20%
Minimum centerline radii on curves 100'
Minimum setback from shoreline boundary 75'
Road base (bank run gravel) 18"
Gravel surface (1 1/2 screened gravel) 6"
Road crown (minimum) 1/4"/ft
Dead end roads without cul-de-sac/maximum length 500'
Cul-de-sac/radius to outside edge of traveled way 80'
7. Road intersections and curves shall be so designed as to permit
adequate visibility for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. That
portion of any corner lot which is necessary to allow 25 foot sight line
between intersection roads shall be cleared of all obstructions above the
level of 3 feet measured from the elevation of the centerline of the road.
Earth moving may be required to achieve adequate viability.
8. A vehicle turn-out shall be proved every 500 feet. Each
shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide, 25 feet deep, and shall be
approved by the Director of the Department of Public Safety.
9. The subdivider shall submit arrangements for the future maintenance of
all roads within the subdivision for approval by the Planning Board. The
approved arrangement shall be recorded as a part of the Final Plan.
10. Design specifications listed herein are minimum standards for roads in a
Any request for Town maintenance of a subdivision road will not be
considered unless:
a. All design specifications listed in 9.3 are met.
b. Additional specifications for secondary Maine Department of
Transportation roads as required by the Town Road
Commissioner and Selectmen are met.
c. Petition for an article of acceptance be placed in the warrant at a
Regular or Special Town Meeting. Majority vote of the people
Required approval.
9.4 Soil Information
At the expense of the subdivider, the Planning board may obtain the services of a
Licensed site evaluator to check any soil information in a subdivision.
9.5 Water Supply
A. The applicant shall present sufficient evidence to the Planning Board that
the water supply system to be used will provide the quantity and quality
of water necessary for the use intended before the Final Plan is
approved by the Planning Board.
B. A central water supply system with fire hydrants shall be installed, if
applicable, at the expense of the subdivider, or if in the opinion of
the Board service to each lot by a central water system is not feasible,
the Board may allow individual wells to be used, which shall be installed
at the expense of the subdivider on lots containing dwellings erected by
the subdivider or his agent.
C. The subdivider may construct ponds and dry hydrants to provide for
adequate water storage for fire-fighting purposes. An easement shall be
granted to the municipality granting access to the dry hydrants where
necessary. The Board may waive the requirement for fire ponds only
upon submittal of evidence that the soil types in the subdivision will not
permit their construction.
D. If a central water supply system is provided by the subdivider, location
and protection of the source, and design, construction, and operation of
the distribution system and appurtenances and treatment facilities shall
conform to the recommendations included in the "Manual for Evaluating
Public Drinking Water Supplies", Public Health Service No. 1180 (1969).
9.6 Sewage Disposal
A. A sanitary sewer system shall be installed at the expense of the
subdivider on lots containing dwellings erected by the subdivider or
his agent.
B. The developer shall submit evidence of soil suitability for subsurface
sewage disposal prepared by a Maine Licensed Site Evaluator in full
compliance with the requirements of the State of Maine Plumbing Rules.
In addition, test pit information shall be submitted indicating a suitable
reserve area for soil for each lot.
C. In no instance shall a disposal area be permitted on soils or on a lot which
requires a New System Variance from the Plumbing Rules.
D. In no case shall the overboard discharge pipe be closer than 100 feet to
any property line. Lots with overboard discharge systems shall have a
minimum of 300 feet on the shoreland boundary.
9.7 Surface Drainage
A. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, or
future sewer line, or where the Board feels that surface water drainage to
be created by the subdivision and owners of property abutting it, the
Planning Board may require that there shall be provided an easement or
drainage right-of-way, and culverts, catch basins, or other means of
channeling surface water within such subdivision and over the property
of owners abutting upon it, of such nature, width, and location as the
Board deems adequate.
B. The developer may be required to provide a statement from a civil
engineer, registered in the State of Maine, that the proposed subdivision
will not create erosion, drainage, or runoff problems either in the
subdivision or in adjacent properties. The developer may also be
required to submit a surface drainage plan showing ditching, culverts,
easements, and other proposed improvements.
10.1 Types of Guarantees. With submittal of the application for Final Plan
approval, the subdivider shall provide one of the following performance
guarantees for an amount adequate to cover the total construction costs of
all required improvements, taking into account the time-space of the
construction schedule and the inflation rate for construction costs:
A. Either a certified check payable to the Town or a savings account or
certificate of deposit naming the Town as owner, for the establishment
of an escrow account;
B. A performance bond payable to the Town issued by a surety company
approved by the Municipal Officers;
C. An irrevocable letter of credit from a financial institution establishing
funding for the construction of the subdivision, from which the Town may
draw if construction is inadequate, approved by the Municipal Officers;
D. An offer of conditional approval limiting the number of units built or
lots sold until all required improvements have been constructed.
The conditions and amount of the performance guarantee shall be
determined by the Board with the advice of the Town Engineer, Road
Commissioner, Municipal Officers, and/or Town Attorney.
10.2 Contents of Guarantee. The performance guarantee shall contain a
construction schedule, cost estimates for each major phase of construction
taking into account inflation, provisions for inspections of each phase of
construction, provisions for the release of part or all of the performance
guarantee to the developer, and a date after which the developer will be in
default and the Town shall have access to the funds to finish construction.
10.3 Escrow Account. A cash contribution to the establishment of an escrow
account shall be made by either a certified check made out to the
municipality, the direct deposit into a savings account, or the purchase
of a certificate of deposit. For any account opened by the subdivider, the
municipality shall be named as owner or co-owner, and the consent of the
municipality shall be required for a withdrawal. Any interest earned on the
escrow account shall be returned to the subdivider unless the municipality
has found it necessary to draw on the account, in which case the interest
earned shall be proportionately divided between the amount returned to the
subdivider and the amount withdrawn to complete the required
10.4 Performance Bond. A performance bond shall detail the conditions of the
bond, the method for release of the bond or portions of the bond to the
subdivider, and the procedures for collection by the municipality. The bond
documents shall specifically reference the subdivision for which approval is
10.5 Letter of Credit. An irrevocable letter of credit from a bank or other
lending institution shall indicate that funds have been set aside for the
construction of the subdivision and may not be used for any other project or
10.6 Conditional Agreement. The Board, at its discretion may provide for the
subdivider to enter into a binding agreement with the municipality in lieu
of the other financial performance guarantees. Such an agreement shall
provide for approval of the Final Plan on the condition that up to four lots
may be sold or built upon until either:
A. It is certified by the Board, or its agent, that all of the required
improvements have been installed in accordance with these regulations
and the regulations of the appropriate utilities; or
B. A performance guarantee, acceptable to the municipality, is submitted in
an amount necessary to cover the completion of the required
improvements at an amount for inflation and prorated for the portions of
the required improvements already installed.
Notice of the agreement and any conditions shall be on the Final Plan
which is recorded at the Registry of Deeds. Release from the agreement
shall follow the procedures for release of the performance guarantees
contained in Section 10.8.
10.7 Phasing of Development. The Board may approve the plans to develop
a major subdivision in separate and distinct phases. This may be
accomplished by limiting final approval to those lots abutting that section of
the proposed subdivision street which is covered by a performance
guarantee. When development is phased, road construction shall
commence from an existing public way. Final approval of lots in subsequent
phases shall be given only upon satisfactory completion of all requirements
pertaining to previous phases.
10.8 Release of Guarantee. Prior to release of any part of the performance
guarantee, the Board shall determine to its satisfaction, in part upon the
report of the Town Engineer and whatever other agencies and department
may be involved, that the proposed improvements meet or exceed the
design and construction requirements for that portion of the improvements
for which the release is requested.
10.9 Default. If, upon inspection, the Town Engineer finds that any of the
required improvements have not been constructed in accordance with the
plans and specifications filed as part of the application, he shall so report in
writing to the Code Enforcement Officer, the Municipal Officers, the Board,
and the subdivider or builder. The Municipal Officers shall take any steps
necessary to preserve the Town's rights.
10.10 Private Roads. Where the subdivision streets are to remain private roads,
the following words shall appear on the recorded plan:
"All roads in this subdivision shall remain private roads to be maintained by
the developer or the lot owners and shall not be maintained by the Town."
10.11 Improvements Guaranteed. Performance guarantees shall be tendered
for all improvements required by Section IX of these regulations, as well
as any other improvements required by the Board.
11.1 Where the Board makes written findings of fact that there are special
circumstances of a particular lot proposed to be subdivided, it may waive
portions of the submission requirements or the standards, unless otherwise
indicated in the regulations, to permit a more practical and economical
development, provided the public health, safety, and welfare are protected,
and provided the waivers do not have the effect of nullifying the intent and
purpose of the Official Map, the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning
Ordinance, or these regulations.
11.2 Where the Board makes written findings of fact that due to special
circumstances of a particular lot proposed to be subdivided, the provision of
certain required improvements is not requisite to provide for the public
health, safety or welfare, or are inappropriate because of inadequate or
lacking connecting facilities adjacent to or in proximity of the proposed
subdivision, it may waive the requirements for such improvements,
subject to appropriate conditions.
11.3 In granting waivers to any of these regulations in accordance with Section
11.1 and 11.2, the Board shall require such conditions as will assure the
objectives of the regulations are met.
11.4 When the Board grants a waiver to any of the requirements of these
standards, the Final Plan shall indicate the waivers granted and the date on
which they were granted.
11.5 Whenever the initial approval or any subsequent amendment of a
subdivision is based in part on the granting of a variance from any
applicable subdivision approval standard, that fact shall be expressly noted
on the face of the subdivision plan to be recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
A. In the case of an amendment, if no amended plan is to be recorded, a
certificate shall be prepared in recordable form and recorded in the
Registry of Deeds. This certificate shall:
1. Indicate the name of the current property owner;
2. Identify the property by reference to the last recorded
deed in its chain of title; and
3. Indicate the fact that a variance, including any conditions on the
variance, has been granted and the date of the granting.
B. The variance is not valid until recorded as provided in this paragraph.
Recording must occur within 90 days of the final subdivision approval
or the variance is void.
An appeal from a decision of the Planning Board regarding interpretation of the
Ordinance may be taken to the Municipal Board of Appeals in accordance with
Title 30, M.R.S.A., Chapter 213, Section 2411. Appeals on other issues
including issue of fact shall be taken directly to the Maine Superior Court
pursuant to Rule 80B of the Maine Rules of Court Procedure.
The invalidity of any provision of these standards shall not invalidate any other
These standards shall take effect immediately upon adoption.
The Planning Board, to assure that the subdivision complies with the Subdivision
Ordinance and regulations, any contract outside services, at the subdividers
expense. Such services may include, but not be limited to, clerical costs,
consulting engineering fees, architectural fees, attorney fees, recording fees, and
appraisal fees.
No parcel, lot, or structure shall be conveyed, leased, or occupied, or offered for
sale, conveyance, lease or occupancy without certification from the Planning
Board that all the terms of the subdivision's approval have been complied with by
the subdivider.
I hereby attest that this is a true copy of the Swan’s Island Subdivision
Ordinance, duly adopted at a Regular Town Meeting held on March 5, 1990
Gwen J. May
Swan’s Island Town Clerk
Certification of Amendment to the
Subdivision Ordinance for the Town of Swan’s Island
I hereby attest that the following amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance for
the Town of Swan’s Island have been made:
At a regular Town Meeting held March 6, 2000 the Subdivision Ordinance for the
Town of Swan’s Island, Maine was amended by adding this paragraph to
Section !!!. Definitions:
“Dormitory – A room or group of rooms designed and equipped for the use
as permanent, seasonal or temporary sleeping quarters for three (3) or
more persons providing or attending group residential training or
educational programs.”
And by amending Section !!!, Definitions, Subdivisions, paragraph 4 to read as
“Without limiting the foregoing, the establishment on a tract of or parcel of
land of a multi-family dwelling unit, or the division of an existing structure or
structures previously used for commercial or industrial use, whether for sale or
rent or the establishment on a tract or parcel of land or a lodging unit or a
dormitory, shall constitute a subdivision within the above definition.”
Gwen J. May
Swan’s Island Town Clerk

Shellfish Ordinance



March 8, 2017

1.  Authority:  This Ordinance is adopted in accordance with 12 M.R.S.A. Section 6671.

2.  Purpose:  To establish a shellfish conservation program for the Town of Swan's Island which will insure the protection and optimum utilization of shellfish resources within its limits.  These goals will be achieved by means which may include:

            A.        Licensing

            B.        Limiting the number of shellfish harvesters

            C.        Restricting the time and areas where harvesting is permitted

            D.        Limiting the minimum size of shellfish taken

            E.        Limiting the amount of  shellfish taken daily by a harvester

3.  Shellfish Conservation Committee:  The shellfish conservation program for the Town of Swan's Island will be administered by the Shellfish Conservation Committee consisting of five (5) members to be appointed by the Selectmen for terms of three (3) years.  Anyone convicted of violating this ordinance or being convicted of a felony within the last five (5) years, shall not serve on this  committee.

            The Committee's responsibilities include:

A.        Establishing annually, in conjunction with the Department of Marine Resources, the number of shellfish harvesting licenses to be issued;

B.        Submitting to the Board of Selectmen proposals for the expenditure of funds for the purpose of shellfish conservation;

C.        Keeping this ordinance under review and making recommendations for its amendment;

D.        Recommending conservation closures and openings to the Board of Selectmen in conjunction with the Area Biologists of the Department of Marine Resources;

E.        Submitting an annual report to the Municipality and the Department of Marine Resources covering the above topics and all other Committee activities.

F.         Recommending to the Selectmen enforcement actions for the protection of the resource.

G.        Assist in identifying possible sources of pollution harmful to the intertidal habitat and the shellfish resources.


4.  Definitions:


A.         Resident: The term “resident” refers to a person being a Maine resident who has proof of being domiciled in the Town of Swan’s Island continuously for a minimum of one year prior to the time the claim of such residence is made. The burden of proof of residency lies solely with the person applying for a Swan’s Island Municipal Shellfish License. A domicile cannot be a transient address that would not typically be considered as a permanent residence address.  The applicant shall provide the following in order to determine resident eligibility:

    Proof of being domiciled in Swan’s Island for the 12 month period prior to applying for a municipal shellfish license. The preponderance (or greater weight) of the evidence must support the establishment of Swan’s Island domicile. If renting, a legal affidavit from your landlord affirming tenancy AND record of rent payments for the last 12 months.

    Signed affidavit stating that, “Swan’s Island is my full time domicile and that I have severed my residential ties with my former municipality of residence and that it is my intent to make Swan’s Island my full time domicile and that I have no mailing address or domicile elsewhere. My residency does not derive from my spouse, nor, since I am an adult, from any other relative”.

    Provide at least three items from the following list. If you are a minor, you must provide the items from your parent/s or legal guardian. If you cannot provide one of these items, submit an explanation of why you cannot provide it:

a. Valid Driver’s License with your Swan’s Island address on it. 

b. Valid Vehicle Registration displaying Swan’s Island physical address

            c. Voter Registration Card with Swan’s Island address on it.

            d. Maine State Income Tax Return with Swan’s Island address on it.

            e. One of the following with your Swans Island address on it: Property tax bill, utility bill, lease for at least 12 months.


            B.        Nonresident:  The term "nonresident" means anyone not qualified              as a resident under this ordinance.

            C.        Shellfish, Clams and Intertidal shellfish resources:  When used in    the context of this ordinance the words "shellfish", "clams" and      "intertidal shellfish resources" mean softshell clams (Mya arenaria).

                        D.        Municipality or Town:  refers to Town of Swan's Island, Maine.

5.  Licensing:  Municipal Shellfish Harvesting License is required.  It is unlawful for any person to dig or take shellfish from the shores and flats of this municipality without having a current license issued by this municipality as provided by this ordinance.


A.  Designation, Scope and Qualifications:

1)  Resident Commercial Shellfish License:  The license is available to residents of the Town of Swan's Island and entitles the holder to dig and take any amount of shellfish from the shores and flats of this municipality.

2)  Nonresident Commercial Shellfish License:  The license is available to nonresidents of this municipality and entitles the holder to dig and take any amount of shellfish from the shores and flats of this municipality.

3)  Resident Recreational Shellfish License:  The license is available to residents and real estate taxpayers of this municipality who do not have a State of Maine Commercial Shellfish license issued by the Department of Marine Resources, as determined by the records of the Department of Marine Resources, and entitles the holder to dig and take no more than one peck of shellfish in any one day for the use of himself and his family.

4)  Nonresident Recreational Shellfish License:  The license is available to any person not a resident of this municipality who does not have a State of Maine Commercial Shellfish license issued by the Department of Marine Resources, as determined by the records of the Department of Marine Resources, and entitles the holder to dig and take no more than one peck of shellfish in any one day for the use of himself and his family.

5)  License must be signed:  The licensee must sign the license to make it valid.  License must be in possession when engaged in harvesting.  By signing the license the harvester acknowledges that they must submit to inspection by the Municipal Shellfish Warden.

B.  Application Procedure:  Any person may apply to the Town Clerk for

the license required by this ordinance on forms provided by the municipality.

1)  Contents of the Application:  The application must be in the form of an affidavit and must contain the applicant's name, current address, birth date, height, weight, signature and whatever information the municipality may require.

2)  Misrepresentation:  Any person who gives false information on a license application will cause said license to become invalid and void.

3)  Address change: A person holding a commercial shellfish license under this ordinance shall notify the Town Clerk within ninety (90) days of address change outside of the municipality.  His or her license will be invalid and shall be returned to the municipality at the time of his address change.  Failure to do so will be considered and treated as misrepresentation. 

C.  Fees:  Fees for licenses will be recommended by the Shellfish Conservation Committee prior to March 1 of each year and approved by the Selectmen.  The

licenses must be paid in full at the time of license issuance.  The Town Clerk shall submit fees received to the Town Treasurer except for $1.00 for each license which shall be retained by the Clerk as payment for issuing the license.  Fees received for shellfish licenses shall be used by the Town for shellfish management, conservation and enforcement.


D.  Limited License Sales:  Because the shellfish resources are limited and because a commercial or recreational harvester can be expected to harvest a certain volume of clams per year, the number of harvesters must be controlled.  This number will vary from year to year depending upon estimates of the resource capabilities and management requirements consistent with good resource utilization.  The following procedures will be followed to execute the control:

1)  Prior to March 1, the Town Shellfish Conservation Committee, with the approval of the Commissioner of Marine Resources will establish the number of commercial and noncommercial licenses to be permitted following the requirements of 12 M.R.S.A Section 6671, paragraph 3-A and DMR Regulation Chapter 7.

            2)  The Shellfish Conservation Committee will notify the Town Clerk in

writing prior to April 1 of the number of licenses to be issued.

            3)  Notice of the number of licenses to be issued and the procedure for

application shall be published in a trade or industry publication, or in a newspaper or combination of newspapers with general circulation, which the municipal officers consider effective in reaching persons affected, not less than 10 days prior to the period of issuance and shall be posted in the municipal offices until the period concludes.

4)  The Town Clerk shall issue licenses to residents and nonresidents as allocated (paragraph 1) until July 1 after which licenses shall be issued to residents and nonresidents on a first-come first-served basis at the approved fee per available license class.

5)  Licenses may be returned to the Town voluntarily, and reissued to another person at the current fee according to the priorities established in this section.

E. Open License Sales: When the Shellfish Conservation Committee determines limiting shellfish licenses is not an appropriate shellfish management option for one or more license categories for the following year;

1) Notice of the dates, places, times and the procedures for the license

sales shall be published in a trade or industry publication, or in a

newspaper or combination of newspapers with general circulation, which

the municipal officers consider effective in reaching persons affected, not

less than 10 days prior to the initial sale date and shall be posted in the

municipal offices. 

            2)  The town clerk shall issue licenses as allocated.  On the first day of license     sales, the total number of non-resident commercial licenses shall be issued in             accordance with DMR Regulations Chapter 7.4 section 1.  Thereafter, non-   resident licenses will be issued in accordance with the 10% rule as described in 12. M.R.S.A § 6671 and DMR regulations, Chapter 7.

3)  For each recreational license category, the Town Clerk shall issue one license to a resident and one to a nonresident; thereafter, one nonresident license will be issued for every ten additional resident licenses issued.  Additional nonresident recreational licenses may be approved as long as they do not exceed the total recreational licenses approved by the Maine Department of Marine Resources for that year.

F. License Expiration Date:  Each license issued under authority of this Ordinance expires at midnight on the 31st day of March next following date of issue.

G.  Waiver of Fee:  Recreational and commercial license fees will be waived for persons 65 years or older and 12 years or younger.

H. Suspension:  Any shellfish licensee convicted of a violation of this Ordinance shall have his shellfish license automatically suspended for a period of thirty (30) days.

1)  A licensee whose shellfish license has been suspended pursuant to this ordinance will have their license automatically reinstated after the suspension period has expired provided any fines due are paid in full. 

2)  The suspension shall be effective from the date of conviction for the offense.

6.  Opening and Closing of Flats:  The Municipal Officers, upon the approval of the Commissioner of Marine Resources, may open and close areas for shellfish harvest.  Upon recommendation of the Shellfish Conservation Committee and concurrence of the Department of Marine Resources Area Biologist that the status of shellfish resource and other factors bearing on sound management indicate that an area should be opened or closed, the Municipal Officers may call a public hearing on ten-days' notice published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town, stating the time, place, and subject matter of the hearing. The decision of the Municipal Officers made after the hearing shall be based on findings of fact. Public Notice of municipal conservation closures or openings shall be provided in accordance with DMR Regulation Chapter 7.50(1)(c).

It shall be unlawful for any person to harvest, take or possess shellfish from any areas closed by the Town of Swan's Island in accordance with DMR Regulations, Chapter 7.  Harvesting shellfish in a closed area is a violation of this municipality's ordinance and is punishable under M.R.S. A. Title 12 § 6671.

7.  Minimum legal size of softshell clams:  It is unlawful for any person to possess softshell clams within the Town of Swan's Island, Hancock County, which are less than two (2) inches in the longest diameter except as provided by subsection B of this section.

            A.  Definitions:

1)  Lot:  The word "lot" as used in this ordinance means the total number of softshell clams in any bulk pile.  Where softshell clams are in a box, barrel or other container, the contents of each box, barrel or other container constitutes a separate lot.

2)  Possess:  For the purposes of this section, "possess" means to dig, take, harvest, ship, transport, hold, buy and sell retail and wholesale softshell clam shell stock.

B.  Tolerance:  Any person may possess softshell clams that are less than two inches if they comprise less than 10% of any lot.  The tolerance shall be determined by numerical count of not less than one peck nor more than four pecks taken at random from various parts of the lot or by a count of the entire lot if it contains less than one peck.

C. Penalty:  Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be punished as provided by 12 M.R.S.A Section 6681 (6-A).

8.  Penalty:  A person who violates this Ordinance shall be punished as provided by 12 M.R.S.A. Section 6671 (10),(10-A) & (10-B). All monies received from fines for Town violations shall go into the Town’s shellfish fund.

9.  Stopping for inspection: A person shall produce their license on demand of any Certified Municipal Shellfish Conservation Warden in uniform and having "probable cause" to take such action. It is unlawful for the operator of a motor vehicle, boat, vessel, or conveyance or any kind, or any person:

    To deliberately fail or refuse to stop immediately upon request or signal of any Certified Municipal Shellfish Conservation Warden.

    After the person has stopped, to fail to remain stopped until the said Warden has reached his immediate vicinity and makes known to the operator the reason for his request or signal.

    To fail or refuse to stand by immediately for inspection on request of said Warden.

D.  To throw or dump into any coastal waters or flats any pail, bag, hod or container of shellfish after having been signaled to stop by a Certified Municipal Shellfish Conservation Warden.

E.  To attempt to elude, disobey, or assault any Certified Municipal Shellfish Conservation Warden.

Suspension:  The second and subsequent violations of Section 9 of this Ordinance shall result in a twelve (12) month suspension of the license.


10.  Effective Date:  This Ordinance, which has been approved by the Commissioner of Marine Resources, shall become effective on its adoption by the municipality provided that a certified copy of the Ordinance shall be filed with the Commissioner within twenty (20) days of its adoption.

11.  Separability:  If any section, subsection, sentence or part of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.

12.  Repeal:  Any Ordinance regulating the harvesting or conservation of shellfish in this Town which is inconsistent with this Ordinance is hereby repealed.



13.1    Initiation: A proposal for an amendment to this Ordinance may be initiated by the following:

A.  Submitting a written petition submitted with the number of signatures equaling at least 10% of the voters in the last gubernatorial election on Swan’s Island;

                     B.  A recommendation of the Shellfish Conservation Committee; or

C. A recommendation of the Board of Selectmen.

13.2    Procedure:  Any proposal for an amendment shall be made to the Board of Selectmen, in writing, stating the specific changes requested.

13.3  Adoption: Any amendment to this Ordinance shall be adopted by a majority vote of Town meeting.  Amendments to this Ordinance do not take effect until approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Marine Resources.

13.4  Statute Law Changes:  Any changes to referenced Statute Laws in this Ordinance shall automatically update in this Ordinance upon enactment. 


Certification of Ordinance

I, ___________________, Town Clerk of Swan’s Island certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance entitled “Shellfish Conservation Ordinance Town of Swan’s Island, Maine” as adopted March 8, 2017.

Attest, this ___ day of __________ ,_____

Town Clerk

Local Liquor Ordinance

Swan's Island is a dry Island. The people voted in the Local Liquor Ordinance in 1987.
There have been several attempts over the years to try to change the island to a "wet" island but the original ordinance has stayed in place.



No person shall consume any malt, spirits or vinous liquor within the territorial limits of Swan’s Island on the premises of any Airplane, Auditorium, Civic auditorium, Club, Dining car, Golf Club, Hotel, Incorporated civic organization, Indoor ice skating club, Indoor tennis club, Restaurant, Class A Restaurant, Retailer, Vessel, or Outdoor stadium as defined by 28 M.R.S.A. 2,8. (1986).

No owner or operator of any Airplane, Auditorium, Civic auditorium, Club, Dining car, Golf Club, Hotel, Incorporated civic organization, Indoor ice skating club, Indoor tennis club, Restaurant, Class A Restaurant, Retailer, Vessel, or Outdoor stadium shall allow or permit the consumption by any person of any malt, spirits or vinous liquor on its premises.

Any portion of the above defined premises which is used solely for sleeping accommodations or residential purposes is exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance.

“Malt liquor” shall mean all kinds and types of liquors as defined produced by the fermentation of malt, wholly or partially, or from aby substitute therefore which contains 1/2 of 1% of alcohol or more by volume.

“Spirits” shall mean liquor produced by distillation or if produced by any other process, strengthened or fortified by the addition of distilled spirits of any kind.

“Vinous” liquor shall mean wine. Wine shall mean any liquor produced by natural fermentation.

The use of any malt, spirits or vinous liquor as an ingredient to a recipe in the preparation or cooking of food is exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance.

Any violation of this Ordinance shall be a civil violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.00.

Hazardous Waste Ordinance


SECTION I:                TITLE

This Ordinance shall be known as the Hazardous Waste Ordinance of the Town of Swan’s Island.


This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the home rule power granted to all municipalities under Constitution, Article VIII-A and Title 30 MRSA, Chapter 201-A, Section 1917.


The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect the health, safety and general community well-being and to protect the natural resources of the Town.


The disposal or storage of hazardous wastes are designated under the ‘U.S. Clean Water Act, Section 311, Public Law 92-500’, and/or the disposal or storage of radioactive waste materials as defined by ’38 MRSA, Section 361-D.I.B.’, within the boundaries of the Town of Swan’s Island, Maine is prohibited.


Any request for an exception to this prohibition shall be submitted in writing to the Selectmen and brought to the whole Town of Swan’s Island, acting as the body politic, to be voted on by all bona fide voters present in a Town Meeting.

SECTION VI:             PENALTY     

Any person to be found in violation of this Ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and not less than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for each offense.  Each day in which a violation occurs shall constitute a separate offense.

Floodplain Management Ordinance

Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 1 -


March 3, 2003
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 2 -

Floodplain Management Ordinance Contents

1. Purpose and Establishment 3
2. Permit Required 3
3. Application For Permit 4
4. Application Fee and Expert’s Fee 5
5. Review Standards for Flood Hazard Development Permit 5
6. Development Standards 7
7. Conditional Use Review 11
8. Certificate of Compliance 12
9. Review of Subdivisions and Development Proposals 12
10. Appeals and Variances 13
11. Enforcement and Penalties 15
12. Validity and Severability 15
13. Conflict With Other Ordinances 15
14. Definitions 16
15. Abrogation 20
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 3 -
Section 1. Purpose and Establishment
Certain areas of the Town of Swan’s Island are subject to periodic flooding, causing serious
damages to properties within these areas. Relief is available in the form of flood insurance as
authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968.
Therefore, the Town of Swan’s Island, Maine has chosen to become a participating community in
the National Flood Insurance Program, and agrees to comply with the requirements of the
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-488, as amended) as delineated in this Floodplain
Management Ordinance.
It is the intent of the Town of Swan’s Island, Maine to require the recognition and evaluation of
flood hazards in all official actions relating to land use in the floodplain areas having special flood
The Town of Swan’s Island has the legal authority to adopt land use and control measures to
reduce future flood losses pursuant to Title 30-A MRSA §3001-3007, 4352 and 4401-4407.
The National Flood Insurance Program, established in the aforesaid Act, provides that areas of
the Town of Swan’s Island having a special flood hazard be identified by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency and that floodplain management measures be applied in such flood hazard
areas. This Ordinance establishes a Flood Hazard Development Permit system and review
procedure for development activities in the designated flood hazard areas of the Town of Swan’s
Island, Maine.
The areas of special flood hazard are identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
in a map entitled “Flood Insurance Rate Map - Town of Swans Island, Maine, Hancock County”,
dated March 1, 1987, which is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this
Section 2 - Permit Required
Before any construction or other development (as defined in Section 14), including the placement
of manufactured homes, begins within any areas of special flood hazard established in Section 1,
a Flood Hazard Development Permit shall be obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer except
as provided in Section 7. This permit shall be in addition to any other permits which may be
required pursuant to the codes and ordinances of the Town of Swan’s Island, Maine.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 4 -
Section 3 - Application For Permit
The application for a Flood Hazard Development Permit shall be submitted to the Code
Enforcement Officer and shall include:
A. The name, address and phone number of the applicant, owner and contractor;
B. An address and a map indicating the location of the construction site;
C. A site plan showing location of existing and/or proposed development, including but not
limited to structures, sewage disposal facilities, water supply facilities, areas to be cut and
filled, and lot dimensions;
D. A statement of the intended use of the structure and/or development;
E. A statement as to the type of sewage system proposed;
F. Specifications of dimensions of the proposed structure and/or development;
[Items G-J.2. apply only to new construction and substantial improvements.]
G. The elevation in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), or to a locally
established datum, of the:
1. base flood at the proposed site of all new or substantially improved structures, which in
Zone A is determined:
(a) from any base flood elevation data from federal, state, or other technical sources
(such as FEMA’s Quick-2 model, FEMA 265/July 1995), including information
obtained pursuant to Section 6.J. and 9.D.;
(b) from the contour elevation extrapolated from a best fit analysis of the floodplain
boundary when overlaid onto a USGS Quadrangle Map or other topographical
map prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor or registered professional
engineer, if the floodplain boundary has a significant correlation to the elevation
contour line(s); or, in the absence of all other data,
(c.) to be the elevation of the ground at the intersection of the floodplain boundary
and a line perpendicular to the shoreline which passes along the ground through
the site of the proposed building.
2. highest and lowest grades at the site adjacent to the walls of the proposed building;
3. lowest floor, including basement; and whether or not such structures contain a basement;
4. level, in the case of non-residential structures only, to which the structure will be
H. A description of an elevation reference point established on the site of all developments for
which elevation standards apply as required in Section 6;
I. A written certification by a Professional Land Surveyor, registered professional engineer or
architect, that the base flood elevation and grade elevations shown on the application are
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 5 -
J. The following certifications as required in Section 6 by a registered professional engineer or
1. a Floodproofing Certificate (FEMA Form 81-65, 08/99, as amended), to verify that the
floodproofing methods for any non-residential structures will meet the floodproofing
criteria of Section 3.G.4.; Section 6.G.; and other applicable standards in Section 6;
2. a Hydraulic Openings Certificate to verify that engineered hydraulic openings in
foundation walls will meet the standards of Article 6.K.2.a.;
3. a certified statement that bridges will meet the standards of Section 6.L.;
4. a certified statement that containment walls will meet the standards of Section 6.M.;
K. A description of the extent to which any water course will be altered or relocated as a result of
the proposed development; and,
L. A statement of construction plans describing in detail how each applicable development
standard in Section 6 will be met.
Section 4 - Application Fee and Expert’s Fee
A non-refundable application fee of $25.00 shall be paid to the Town Treasurer and a copy of the
receipt for the same shall accompany the application. This application fee will be waived if the
application is submitted in conjunction with an application for a Shoreland Zoning Permit pursuant
to the Swan’s Island Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.
An additional fee may be charged if the Code Enforcement Officer, Planning Board or Board of
Appeals needs the assistance of a professional engineer or other expert. The expert’s fee shall
be paid in full by the applicant within 10 days after the town submits a bill to the applicant. Failure
to pay the bill shall constitute a violation of the ordinance and be grounds for the issuance of a
stop work order. An expert shall not be hired by the municipality at the expense of the applicant
until the applicant has either consented to such hiring in writing or been given an opportunity to
be heard on the subject. An applicant who is dissatisfied with a decision to hire expert assistance
may appeal that decision to the Board of Appeals.
Section 5 - Review Standards For Flood Hazard Development Permit Applications
The Code Enforcement Officer shall:
A. Review all applications for the Flood Hazard Development Permit to assure that proposed
developments are reasonably safe from flooding and to determine that all pertinent
requirements of Section 6 (Development Standards) have been, or will be met;
B. Utilize, in the review of all Flood Hazard Development Permit applications:
1. the base flood data contained in the “Flood Insurance Rate Map - Town of Swans Island,
Maine”, as described in Section 1.
2. In special flood hazard areas where base flood elevation data are not provided, the Code
Enforcement Officer shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation
and floodway data from federal, state, or other technical sources, including information
obtained pursuant to Section 3.G.1.; Section 6.J.; and Section 9.D., in order to administer
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 6 -
Section 6 of this Ordinance; and
3. when the community establishes a base flood elevation in a Zone A by methods outlined
in Section 3.G.1.b., the community shall submit that data to the Maine Floodplain
Management Program in the State Planning Office.
C. Make interpretations of the location of boundaries of special flood hazard areas shown on the
maps described in Section 1 of this Ordinance;
D. In the review of Flood Hazard Development Permit applications, determine that all necessary
permits have been obtained from those federal, state, and local government agencies from
which prior approval is required by federal or state law, including, but not limited to Section
404 of the Federal water Pollution Act Amendmends of 1972, 33 USC 1334;
E. Notify adjacent municipalities, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Maine
Floodplain Management Program in the State Planning Office prior to any alteration or
relocation of a water course and submit copies of such notifications to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency;
F. If the application satisfies the requirements of this Ordinance, approve the issuance of one of
the following Flood Hazard Development Permits based on the type of development:
1. A two part Flood Hazard Development Permit for elevated structures. Part one
shall authorize the applicant to build a structure to and including the first
horizontal floor only above the base flood level. At that time the applicant shall
provide the Code Enforcement Officer with a second Elevation Certificate
completed by a Professional Land Surveyor, registered professional engineer or
architect based on the Part 1 permit construction, “as built”, for verifying
compliance with the elevation requirements of Section 6, paragraphs F, G, or H.
Following review of the Elevation Certificate Data, which shall take place within
72 hours of receipt of the application, the Code Enforcement Officer shall issue
Part 2 of the Flood Hazard Development Permit. Part 2 shall authorize the
applicant to complete the construction project; or,
2. A Flood Hazard Development Permit for Floodproofing of Non-Residential
structures that are new construction or substantially improved non-residential
structures that are not being elevated but that meet the floodproofing standards
of Section 6.G.1., 2., and 3. The application for this permit shall include a
Floodproofing Certificate signed by a registered professional engineer or
architect; or,
3. A Flood Hazard Development Permit for Minor Development for all development
tthat is not new construction or a substantial improvement, such as repairs
maintenance, renovations, or additions, whose value is less than 50% of the
market value of the structure. Minor development also includes, but is not limited
to: accessory structures, as provided in Section 6.I., mining, dredging, filling,
grading, paving, excavation, drilling operations, storage of equipment or
materials, deposition or extraction of materials, public or private sewage disposal
systems or water supply facilities that do not involve structures; and nonstructural
projects such as bridges, dams, towers, fencing, pipelines, wharves
and piers.
For development that requires review and approval as a Conditional Use, as provided for in this
Ordinance, the Flood Hazard Development Permit Application shall be acted upon by the
Planning Board as required in Section 7.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 7 -
G. Maintain, as a permanent record, copies of all Flood Hazard Development Permit
Applications, corresponding Permits issued, and data relevant thereto, including reports
of the Board of Appeals on variances granted under the provisions of Section 10 of this
Ordinance, and copies of Elevation Certificates, Floodproofing Certificates, Certificates of
Compliance and certifications of design standards required under the provisions of
Sections 3, 6 and 8 of this Ordinance.
All developments in areas of special flood hazard shall meet the following applicable standards:
A. All Development - All development shall:
1. be designed or modified and adequately anchored to prevent flotation (excluding
piers and docks), collapse or lateral movement of the development resulting from
hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy;
2. use construction materials that are resistant to flood damage;
3. use construction methods and practices that will minimize flood damage; and,
4. use electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment, and
other service facilities that are designed and/or located so as to prevent water
from entering or accumulating within the components during flooding conditions.
B. Water Supply - All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to
minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems.
C. Sanitary Sewage Systems - All new and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be
designed and located to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system
and discharges from the system into flood waters.
D. On Site Waste Disposal Systems - On site waste disposal systems shall be located and
constructed to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during floods.
E. Watercourse Carrying Capacity - All development associated with altered or relocated
portions of a watercourse shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner that no
reduction occurs in the flood carrying capacity of the watercourse.
F. Residential - New construction or substantial improvement of any residential structure
located within Zone A shall have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated to at least
one foot above the base flood elevation utilizing information obtained pursuant to Section
3.G.1; Section 5.B; or Section 9.D.
G. Non Residential - New construction or substantial improvement of any non-residential
structure located within Zone A shall have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated
to at least one foot above the base flood elevation utilizing information obtained pursuant
to Section 3.G.1.; Section 5.B; or Section 9.D., or together with attendant utility and
sanitary facilities shall:
1. be floodproofed to at least one foot above the base flood elevation utilizing
information obtained pursuant to Section 3.G.1.; Section 5.B; or Section 9.D., so
that below that elevation the structure is watertight with walls substantially
impermeable to the passage of water;
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 8 -
2. have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic
loads and the effects of buoyancy; and,
3. be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the
floodproofing design and methods of construction are in accordance with
accepted standards of practice for meeting the provisions of this section. Such
certification shall be provided with the application for a Flood Hazard
Development Permit, as required by Section 3.J. and shall include a record of the
elevation above mean sea level to which the structure is floodproofed.
H. Manufactured Homes - New or substantially improved manufactured homes located
within Zone A shall:
1. be elevated such that the lowest floor (including basement) of the manufactured
home is at least one foot above the base flood elevation utilizing information
obtained pursuant to Section 3.G.1.; Section 5.B; or Section 9.D.;
2. be on a permanent foundation, which may be poured masonry slab or foundation
walls, with hydraulic openings, or may be reinforced piers or block supports, any
of which support the manufactured home so that no weight is supported by its
wheels and axles; and,
3. be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist
flotation, collapse, or lateral movement. Methods of anchoring may include, but
are not limited to:
a. over-the-top ties anchored to the ground at the four corners of the
manufactured home, plus two additional ties per side at intermediate
points (manufactured homes less than 50 feet long require one additional
tie per side); or by,
b. frame ties at each corner of the home, plus five additional ties along
each side at intermediate points (manufactured homes less than 50 feet
long require four additional ties per side).
c. all components of the anchoring system described in Section 6.H.3.a.&
b. shall be capable of carrying a force of 4800 pounds.
I. Accessory Structures - Accessory Structures, as defined in Section 14, located within
Zone A, shall be exempt from the elevation criteria required in Section 6.F. & G. above, if
all other requirements of Section 6 and all the following requirements are met. Accessory
Structures shall:
1. be 500 square feet or less and have a value less than $3000;
2. have unfinished interiors and not be used for human habitation;
3. have hydraulic openings, as specified in Section 6.K.2., in at least two different
walls of the accessory structure;
4. be located outside the floodway;
5. when possible be constructed and placed on the building site so as to offer the
minimum resistance to the flow of floodwaters and be placed further from the
source of flooding than is the primary structure; and,
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 9 -
6. have only ground fault interrupt electrical outlets. The electric service disconnect
shall be located above the base flood elevation and when possible outside the
Special Flood Hazard Area.
J. Floodways - Encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvement,
and other development shall not be permitted in a floodway which, in Zone A riverine
areas, is the channel of the river or other water course and the adjacent land areas to a
distance of one-half the width of the floodplain as measured from the normal high water
mark to the upland limit of the floodplain, unless a technical evaluation certified by a
registered professional engineer is provided demonstrating that the cumulative effect of
the proposed development, when combined with all other existing development and
anticipated development:
1. will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot
at any point within the community; and,
2. is consistent with the technical criteria contained in Chapter 5 entitled "Hydraulic
Analyses," Flood Insurance Study - Guidelines and Specifications for Study
Contractors, (FEMA 37/ January 1995, as amended).
K. Enclosed Areas Below the Lowest Floor - New construction or substantial
improvement of any structure in Zone A that meets the development standards of Section
6, including the elevation requirements of Section 6, paragraphs F, G, or H and is
elevated on posts, columns, piers, piles, "stilts," or crawlspaces may be enclosed below
the base flood elevation requirements provided all the following criteria are met or
1. Enclosed areas are not "basements" as defined in Section 14;
2. Enclosed areas shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood
forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of flood water. Designs
for meeting this requirement must either:
a. be engineered and certified by a registered professional engineer or
architect; or,
b. meet or exceed the following minimum criteria:
(1) a minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less
than one square inch for every square foot of the enclosed area;
(2) the bottom of all openings shall be below the base flood
elevation and no higher than one foot above the lowest grade;
(3) openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves, or
other coverings or devices provided that they permit the entry
and exit of flood waters automatically without any external
influence or control such as human intervention, including the
use of electrical and other non-automatic mechanical means;
3. The enclosed area shall not be used for human habitation; and,
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 10 -
4. The enclosed areas are usable solely for building access, parking of vehicles, or
L. Bridges - New construction or substantial improvement of any bridge in Zone A shall be
designed such that:
1. when possible, the lowest horizontal member (excluding the pilings, or columns)
is elevated to at least one foot above the base flood elevation utilizing information
obtained pursuant to Section 3.G.1.; Section 6.J.; and Section 9.D.
2. a registered professional engineer shall certify that:
a. the structural design and methods of construction shall meet the
elevation requirements of this section and the floodway standards of
Section 6.J.; and
b. the foundation and superstructure attached thereto are designed to resist
flotation, collapse and lateral movement due to the effects of wind and
water loads acting simultaneously on all structural components. Water
loading values used shall be those associated with the base flood.
M. Containment Walls - New construction or substantial improvement of any containment
wall located within Zone A shall:
1. have the containment wall elevated to at least one foot above the base flood
elevation utilizing information obtained pursuant to Section 3.G.1.; Section 5 .B.;
or Section 9.D.
2. have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic
loads and the effects of buoyancy; and
3. be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the design and
methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice
for meeting the provisions of this section. Such certification shall be provided with
the application for a Flood Hazard Development Permit, as required by Section
N. Wharves, Piers and Docks - New construction or substantial improvement of wharves,
piers, and docks are permitted in Zone A in and over water and seaward of the mean
high tide if the following requirements are met:
1. wharves, piers, and docks shall comply with all applicable local, state, and
federal regulations; and
2. for commercial wharves, piers, and docks, a registered professional engineer
shall develop or review the structural design, specifications, and plans for the
O. Coastal Floodplains -
1. All new construction located within Zone A shall be located landward of the reach
of mean high tide except as provided in Section 6.O.2.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 11 -
2. Conditional Use - Lobster sheds and fishing sheds may be located seaward of
mean high tide and shall be exempt from the elevation requirement in Section
6.G. only if permitted as a Conditional Use following review and approval by the
Planning Board, as provided in Section 7, and if all the following requirements
and those of Section 6.A., 6.J., and 6.K. are met:
a. The conditional use shall be limited to low value structures such as metal
or wood sheds and shall not exceed more than one story.
b. The structure shall be securely anchored to the wharf or pier to resist
flotation, collapse, and lateral movement due to the effect of wind and
water loads acting simultaneously on all building components.
c. The structure will not adversely increase wave or debris impact forces
affecting nearby buildings.
d. The structure shall have unfinished interiors and shall not be used for
human habitation.
e. Any mechanical, utility equipment and fuel storage tanks must be
anchored and either elevated or floodproofed to one foot above the base
flood elevation.
f. All electrical outlets shall be ground fault interrupt type. The electrical
service disconnect shall be located on shore above the base flood
elevation and when possible outside the Special Flood Hazard Area.
The Planning Board shall hear and decide upon applications for conditional uses provided for in
this Ordinance. The Planning Board shall hear and approve, approve with conditions, or
disapprove all applications for conditional uses. An applicant informed by the Code Enforcement
Officer that a Conditional Use Permit is required shall file an application for the permit with the
Planning Board.
A. Review Procedure for a Conditional Use Flood Hazard Development Permit
1. The Flood Hazard Development Permit Application with additional information
attached addressing how each of the conditional use criteria specified in the
Ordinance will be satisfied, may serve as the permit application for the
Conditional Use Permit.
2. Before deciding any application, the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing
on the application within thirty days of their receipt of the application.
3. If the Planning Board finds that the application satisfies all relevant requirements
of the ordinance, the Planning Board must approve the application or approve
with conditions within 45 days of the date of the public hearing.
4. A Conditional Use Permit issued under the provisions of this Ordinance shall
expire if the work or change involved is not commenced within 180 days of the
issuance of the permit by the Planning Board.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 12 -
5. The applicant shall be notified by the Planning Board in writing over the signature
of the Chairman of the Planning Board that flood insurance is not available for
structures located entirely over water or seaward of mean high tide.
B. Expansion of Conditional Uses
1. No existing building or use of premises may be expanded or enlarged without a
permit issued under this section if that building or use was established or
constructed under a previously issued Conditional Use Permit or if it is a building
or use which would require a Conditional Use Permit if being newly-established
or constructed under this Ordinance.
No land in a special flood hazard area shall be occupied or used and no structure which is
constructed or substantially improved shall be occupied until a Certificate of Compliance is issued
by the Code Enforcement Officer subject to the following provisions:
A. For New Construction or Substantial Improvement of any elevated structure the applicant
shall submit to the Code Enforcement Officer, an Elevation Certificate completed by a
Professional Land Surveyor, registered professional engineer, or architect, for
compliance with Section 6, paragraphs F, G, or H.
B. The applicant shall submit written notification to the Code Enforcement Officer that the
development is complete and complies with the provisions of this ordinance.
C. Within 10 working days, the Code Enforcement Officer shall:
1. review the Elevation Certificate and the applicant’s written notification; and,
2. upon determination that the development conforms with the provisions of this
ordinance, shall issue a Certificate of Compliance.
The Planning Board shall, when reviewing subdivisions and other proposed developments that
require review under other federal law, state law or local ordinances or regulations and all
projects on 5 or more disturbed acres, or in the case of manufactured home parks divided into
two or more lots, assure that:
A. All such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
B. All public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems are
located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damages.
C. Adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards.
D. All proposals include base flood elevations, flood boundaries, and in a riverine floodplain,
floodway data. These determinations shall be based on engineering practices recognized
by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
E. Any proposed development plan must include a condition of plan approval requiring that
structures of any lot in the development having any portion of its land area within a
Special Flood Hazard Area, are to be constructed in accordance with Section 6 of this
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 13 -
ordinance. Such requirement will be included in any deed, lease, purchase and sale
agreement, or document transferring or expressing an intent to transfer any interest in
real estate or structure, including but not limited to a time-share interest. The condition
shall clearly articulate that the municipality may enforce any violation of the construction
requirement and that fact shall also be included in the deed or any other document
previously described. The construction requirement shall also be clearly stated on any
map, plat, or plan to be signed by the Planning Board or local reviewing authority as part
of the approval process.
The Board of Appeals of the Town of Swan's Island may, upon written application of an aggrieved
party, hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order, requirement,
decision, or determination made by, or failure to act by, the Code Enforcement Officer or Planning
Board in the administration of the provisions of this Ordinance. The Board of Appeals may grant a
variance from the requirements of this Ordinance consistent with state law and the following
A. Variances shall not be granted within any designated regulatory floodway if any increase
in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result.
B. Variances shall be granted only upon:
1. a showing of good and sufficient cause; and,
2. a determination that should a flood comparable to the base flood occur, the
granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats
to public safety, public expense, or create nuisances, cause fraud or victimization
of the public or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances; and,
3. a showing that the issuance of the variance will not conflict with other state,
federal or local laws or ordinances; and,
4. a determination that failure to grant the variance would result in "undue
hardship," which in this sub-section means:
a. that the land in question cannot yield a reasonable return unless a
variance is granted; and,
b. that the need for a variance is due to the unique circumstances of the
property and not to the general conditions in the neighborhood; and,
c. that the granting of a variance will not alter the essential character of the
locality; and,
d. that the hardship is not the result of action taken by the applicant or a
prior owner.
C. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum
necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief, and the Board of Appeals may
impose such conditions to a variance as it deems necessary .
D. Variances may be issued for new construction, substantial improvements, or other
development for the conduct of a functionally dependent use provided that:
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 14 -
1. other criteria of Section 10 and Section 6.J. are met; and,
2. the structure or other development is protected by methods that minimize flood
damages during the base flood and create no additional threats to public safety.
E. Variances may be issued for the repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or restoration of
Historic Structures upon the determination that:
1. the development meets the criteria of Section 10, paragraphs A. through D.
above; and,
2. the proposed repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or restoration will not preclude
the structure’s continued designation as a Historic Structure and the variance is
the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the
F. Any applicant who meets the criteria of Section 10, paragraphs A. through E. shall be
notified by the Board of Appeals in writing over the signature of the Chairman of the
Board of Appeals that:
1. the issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the base flood level will
result in greatly increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts as
high as $25 per $100 of insurance coverage;
2. such construction below the base flood level increases risks to life and property;
3. the applicant agrees in writing that the applicant is fully aware of all the risks
inherent in the use of land subject to flooding, assumes those risks and agrees to
indemnify and defend the municipality against any claims filed against it that are
related to the applicant's decision to use land located in a floodplain and that the
applicant individually releases the municipality from any claims the applicant may
have against the municipality that are related to the use of land located in a
G. Appeal Procedure for Administrative and Variance Appeals
1. An administrative or variance appeal may be taken to the Board of Appeals by an
aggrieved party within thirty days after receipt of a written decision of the Code
Enforcement Officer or Planning Board.
2. Upon being notified of an appeal, the Code Enforcement Officer or Planning
Board, as appropriate, shall transmit to the Board of Appeals all of the papers
constituting the record of the decision appealed from.
3. The Board of Appeals shall hold a public hearing on the appeal within thirty-five
days of its receipt of an appeal request.
4. The person filing the appeal shall have the burden of proof.
5. The Board of Appeals shall decide all appeals within thirty-five days after the
close of the hearing, and shall issue a written decision on all appeals.
6. The Board of Appeals shall submit to the Code Enforcement Officer a report of all
variance actions, including justification for the granting of the variance and an
authorization for the Code Enforcement Officer to issue a Flood Hazard
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 15 -
Development Permit, which includes any conditions to be attached to said permit.
7. Any aggrieved party who participated as a party during the proceedings before
the Board of Appeals may take an appeal to Superior Court in accordance with
State laws within forty-five days from the date of any decision of the Board of
A. It shall be the duty of the Code Enforcement Officer to enforce the provisions of this
Ordinance pursuant to Title 30-A MRSA § 4452.
B. The penalties contained in Title 30-A MRSA § 4452 shall apply to any violation of this
C. In addition to any other actions, the Code Enforcement Officer, upon determination that a
violation exists, shall submit a declaration to the Administrator of the Federal Insurance
Administration requesting a denial of flood insurance. The valid declaration shall consist of;
1. the name of the property owner and address or legal description of the property
sufficient to confirm its identity or location;
2. a clear and unequivocal declaration that the property is in violation of a cited
State or local law, regulation, or ordinance;
3. a clear statement that the public body making the declaration has authority to do
so and a citation to that authority;
4. evidence that the property owner has been provided notice of the violation and
the prospective denial of insurance; and,
5. a clear statement that the declaration is being submitted pursuant to Section
1316 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended.
If any section or provision of this Ordinance is declared by the courts to be invalid, such decision
shall not invalidate any other section or provision of this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall not in any way impair or remove the necessity of compliance with any other
applicable rule, ordinance, regulation, bylaw, permit, or provision of law. Where this Ordinance
imposes a greater restriction upon the use of land, buildings, or structures, the provisions of this
Ordinance shall control.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 16 -
Unless specifically defined below, words and phrases used in this Ordinance shall have the same
meaning as they have at common law and to give this Ordinance its most reasonable application.
Words used in the present tense include the future, the singular number includes the plural, and
the plural number includes the singular. The word "may" is permissive; "shall" is mandatory and
not discretionary.
Accessory Structure - means a small detached structure that is incidental and subordinate to
the principal structure.
Adjacent Grade - means the natural elevation of the ground surface prior to construction next to
the proposed walls of a structure.
Area of Special Flood Hazard - means the land in the floodplain having a one percent or greater
chance of flooding in any given year, as specifically identified in the Flood Hazard Boundary Map
cited in Article I of this Ordinance.
Base Flood - means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any
given year, commonly called the 100-year flood.
Basement - means any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all
Building - see Structure.
Certificate of Compliance - A document signed by the Code Enforcement Officer stating that a
structure is in compliance with all of the provisions of this Ordinance.
Code Enforcement Officer - any person or board responsible for performing the inspection,
licensing, and enforcement duties required by a particular statute or ordinance.
Conditional Use - means a use that because of its potential impact on surrounding areas and
structures, is permitted only upon review and approval by the Planning Board pursuant to Section
Development - means any change caused by individuals or entities to improved or unimproved
real estate, including but not limited to the construction of buildings or other structures; the
construction of additions or substantial improvements to buildings or other structures; mining,
dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, drilling operations or storage of equipment or
materials; and the storage, deposition, or extraction of materials, public or private sewage
disposal systems or water supply facilities.
Elevated Building - means a non-basement building
a. built, in the case of a building in Zone A, to have the top of the elevated floor, elevated
above the ground level by means of pilings, columns, post, piers, or "stilts;" and
b. adequately anchored so as not to impair the structural integrity of the building during a
flood of up to one foot above the magnitude of the base flood.
In the case of Zone A, Elevated Building also includes a building elevated by means of fill or
solid foundation perimeter walls with hydraulic openings sufficient to facilitate the unimpeded
movement of flood waters, as required in Section 6.K..
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 17 -
Elevation Certificate - An official form (FEMA Form 81-31, 08/99, as amended) that:
a. is used to verify compliance with the floodplain management regulations of the National
Flood Insurance Program; and,
b. is required for purchasing flood insurance.
Flood or Flooding - means:
a. A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land
areas from:
1. The overflow of inland or tidal waters.
2. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source.
b. The collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a
result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding
anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a
natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of
nature, such as flash flood or an abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and
unforeseeable event which results in flooding as defined in paragraph a.1. of this
Flood Elevation Study - means an examination, evaluation and determination of flood hazards
and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations.
Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) - means an official map of a community, issued by the
Federal Insurance Administration, where the boundaries of the base flood have been designated.
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) - means an official map of a community, on which the
Federal Insurance Administrator has delineated both the special hazard areas and the risk
premium zones applicable to the community.
Floodplain or Flood-prone Area - means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water
from any source (see flooding).
Floodplain Management - means the operation of an overall program of corrective and
preventive measures for reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency
preparedness plans, flood control works, and floodplain management regulations.
Floodplain Management Regulations - means zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations,
building codes, health regulations, special purpose ordinances (such as a floodplain ordinance,
grading ordinance, and erosion control ordinance) and other applications of police power. The
term describes such state or local regulations, in any combination thereof, which provide
standards for the purpose of flood damage prevention and reduction.
Floodproofing - means any combination of structural and non-structural additions, changes, or
adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real
property, water and sanitary facilities, structures and contents.
Floodway - see Regulatory Floodway.
Freeboard - means a factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level for purposes
of floodplain management. Freeboard tends to compensate for the many unknown factors, such
as wave action, bridge openings, and the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed,
that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood
and floodway conditions.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 18 -
Functionally Dependent Use - means a use which cannot perform its intended purpose unless it
is located or carried out in close proximity to water. The term includes only docking facilities, port
facilities that are necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, and ship
building and ship repair facilities, but does not include long-term storage or related manufacturing
Historic Structure - means any structure that is:
a. Listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places (a listing maintained by the
Department of Interior) or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as
meeting the requirements for individual listing on the National Register;
b. Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the
historical significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined
by the Secretary of the Interior to qualify as a registered historic district;
c. Individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with historic preservation
programs which have been approved by the Secretary of the Interior; or
d. Individually listed on a local inventory of historic places in communities with historic
preservation programs that have been certified either:
1. By an approved state program as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, or
2. Directly by the Secretary of the Interior in states without approved programs.
Locally Established Datum - means, for purposes of this ordinance, an elevation established for
a specific site to which all other elevations at the site are referenced. This elevation is generally
not referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) or any other established datum
and is used in areas where Mean Sea Level data is too far from a specific site to be practically
Lowest Floor - means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An
unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or
storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered a building's lowest floor,
provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable
non-elevation design requirements described in Section 6.K. of this ordinance.
Manufactured Home - means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on
a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when
connected to the required utilities. For floodplain management purposes the term manufactured
home also includes park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles placed on a site for
greater than 180 consecutive days.
Manufactured Home Park or Subdivision - means a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land
divided into three or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale.
Mean Sea Level - means, for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the National
Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, or other datum, to which base flood elevations shown
on a community's Flood Insurance Rate map are referenced.
Minor Development - means all development that is not new construction or a substantial
improvement, such as repairs, maintenance, renovations, or additions, whose value is less than
50% of the market value of the structure. It also includes, but is not limited to: accessory
structures as provided for in Section 6.I., mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation,
drilling operations, storage of equipment or materials, deposition or extraction of materials, public
or private sewage disposal systems or water supply facilities that do not involve structures; and
non-structural projects such as bridges, dams, towers, fencing, pipelines, wharves and piers.
National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) - means the national vertical datum, whose standard
was established in 1929, which is used by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). NGVD
was based upon mean sea level in 1929 and also has been called “1929 Mean Sea Level (MSL)”.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 19 -
New Construction - means structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on or
after the effective date of the initial floodplain management regulations adopted by a community
and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures.
100-year flood - see Base Flood.
Regulatory Floodway -
a. means the channel of a river or other water course and the adjacent land areas that must
be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the
water surface elevation more than one foot, and
b. in Zone A riverine areas, the floodway is considered to be the channel of a river or other
water course and the adjacent land areas to a distance of one-half the width of the
floodplain, as measured from the normal high water mark to the upland limit of the
Riverine - means relating to, formed by, or resembling a river (including tributaries), stream,
brook, etc.
Special Flood Hazard Area - see Area of Special Flood Hazard.
Start of Construction - means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start
of construction, repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, placement, substantial
improvement or other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start
means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the
pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work
beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation.
Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling;
nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for
basement, footings, piers, or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include
the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as
dwelling units or not part of the main structure. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of
construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of a
building, or modification of any construction element whether or not that alteration affects the
external dimensions of the building.
Structure - means, for floodplain management purposes, a walled and roofed building. A gas or
liquid storage tank that is principally above ground is also a structure.
Substantial Damage - means, damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of
restoring the structure to its before damage condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the
market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
Substantial Improvement - means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other
improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of
the structure before the start of construction of the improvement. This term includes structures
which have incurred substantial damage, regardless of the actual repair work performed. The
term does not, however, include either:
a. Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state or local
health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local
code enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living
conditions; or
b. Any alteration of a Historic Structure, provided that the alteration will not preclude the
structure's continued designation as a historic structure, and a variance is obtained from
the community’s Board of Appeals.
Swan’s Island Floodplain Management Ordinance – March 3, 2003 - 20 -
Variance - means a grant of relief by a community from the terms of a floodplain management
Violation - means the failure of a structure or development to comply with a community's
floodplain management regulations.
This ordinance repeals and replaces any municipal ordinance previously enacted to comply with
the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-488, as amended).
Certification of Ordinance
I, _____________________________, Town Clerk of Swan’s Island, certify that the foregoing is a
true copy of the ordinance entitled “Floodplain Management Ordinance for the Town of Swan’s Island,
Maine” as adopted March 3, 2003.
Attest, this _____ day of March, 2003
Town Clerk

Ferry Terminal Parking Ordinance


Purpose: This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Title 30-A, MRSA,§ 3009, to promote safety, eliminate confusion for customers and employees of the Maine State Ferry Service and to ensure the fair and equal opportunity to determine the availability of passage for vehicles on the ferry.

1.    No vehicle may park north of the sign “Parking beyond this line only after departure of previously scheduled trip” until the ferry has been loaded with vehicles for the scheduled trip.

2.    Between January 1 and March 15 of each year, vehicles parked in the area south of the sign “Parking beyond this line only after departure of previously scheduled trip” must prominently display a sign stating the day and time of planned departure.  No vehicle shall be left in this line more than 48 hours.

3.    No vehicle shall park on the eastern side of the Ferry Road opposite the Ticket Office between the entrances to the parking lot  and the Marine Museum         

Failure to comply with this Ordinance may result in vehicle being sent to the end of the ferry traffic waiting line, refusal of passage by the Maine State Ferry Service or costs of towing and storing illegally parked vehicles.

ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES: This ordinance shall be enforced by state, county and local law enforcement officers. A violation of this ordinance is a civil violation punishable by a fine of $50.00. Any person charged with a violation of this ordinance may waive court action by paying a fee of $25.00 to the Town Office within 30 days of this violation.

Adopted by the Selectmen of Swan’s Island.

Electrical Ordinance


This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Title 30-A MRSA § 4151 et seq.
and applies to original installations of electrical equipment and alterations or
additions to existing electrical equipment.

This Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by a Local Electrical
Inspector who shall be appointed by the Selectmen. The Selectmen may also
appoint a Deputy Local Electrical Inspector. Whenever the term Electrical
Inspector is used hereafter in this Ordinance, the term shall include the Deputy
Electrical Inspector.

A. No electrical equipment shall be installed in, altered, or added to
any building, structure or premises within the territorial limits of the
Town of Swan’s Island unless an Electrical Installation Permit has
been issued under this Ordinance.
B. No permit shall be required to do minor repair work such as, but not
limited to, the following:
1. The replacement of fuses;
2. The installation of additional outlets;
3. The replacement of existing switches, sockets, outlets and
4. Repairs to entrance service equipment; and
5. Repairs or installation of radio and low voltage equipment.
C. Emergency work may be undertaken without first obtaining a
permit. A permit shall then be obtained as soon as is reasonably
D. No major deviation may be made from the installation described in
the permit without the prior written approval of the Local Electrical
Swan’s Island Electrical Installation and Inspection Ordinance - July 2004 - 2 -

Application for an Electrical Installation Permit shall be made in writing on
a form approved by the Local Electrical Inspector describing the work to be done
and signed by the applicant
A. If the proposed work is to be performed in a single-family structure,
the applicant shall be the owner of that structure.
B. In all other cases the applicant shall be the licensed master
electrician employed to do the proposed work; a holder of a limited
license who may obtain a permit within such limited licensee’s area
of expertise; or the general contractor for the construction project of
which the proposed work is a part, providing that the contractor
shall provide as a part of the application the name, address and
license number of the licensed electrician employed to do the
proposed work.

Any permit issued under this section shall expire if:
A. The authorized work is not commenced within six (6) months after
issuance of the permit;
B. The authorized work is suspended or abandoned for a period of six
(6) months after the time of commencing the work;
C. The authorized work is not completed within twenty-four (24)
months after the issuance of the permit, or
D. The permit holder fails to correct a violation of any provision of this
Ordinance within the time prescribed in a Notice of Violation
Swan’s Island Electrical Installation and Inspection Ordinance - July 2004 - 3 -

Section 6. PERMIT FEES
The fee for a permit hereunder shall be:
Proposed Work Fee
Change in size of Residential Service Entrance $25.00
Installation, addition or alteration to:
Single-family residence $25.00
Two or more-family residence $25.00
per family dwelling unit
Commercial structure: $50.00

All installations of electrical equipment must be reasonably safe to
persons and property. Conformity with applicable provisions of National Fire
Protection Association No. 70 - National Electric Code (2002 Ed.) and its
subsequent amendments is prima facie evidence that an installation is
reasonably safe to persons and property.

A. The applicant, by obtaining a permit, consents to the inspection by
the Local Electrical Inspector of work and equipment described in
the permit at all reasonable times during the course of the
authorized work to insure compliance with this Ordinance
B. Prior to the sale, lease, use or occupancy of any building, structure,
portion of a structure or premises for which a Permit has been
issued, the permit holder shall obtain a Certificate of Acceptance
from the Local Electrical Inspector stating that the electrical
equipment is in conformity with the standards set forth for electrical
equipment in Section 7 of this Ordinance. Prior to the issuing a
Certification of Acceptance, the Local Electrical Inspector shall
inspect the property to see that all requirements of this ordinance
have been met. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be issued or
denied within 4 working days of application for inspection by the
permit holder, and failure to issue a Certificate within 4 working
days shall be deemed an approval of the request for a Certificate,
subject to further proceedings under Section 9.
Swan’s Island Electrical Installation and Inspection Ordinance - July 2004 - 4 -

A. Upon the discovery of any electrical equipment which does not
comply with this Ordinance, the Local Electrical Inspector may
make a written complaint to the State Electrical Inspector in
accordance with Title 32 MRSA § 1104.
B. Whenever the Local Electrical Inspector determines that there is a
violation of any provision of this Ordinance, written notice of such
violation shall be given to the property owner and the person
making the installation, if known. Such written notice shall contain:
1. A description of the building, structure or premises in question in
sufficient detail to identify it;
2. A description of the violation found and a citation to the
provisions of this Ordinance or the NFPA Code violated;
3. The remedial action required for correction of such violation;
4. A date by which such violation must be corrected.
C. Prosecution of violations of this Ordinance shall be made pursuant
to 30-A MRSA § 4452. The penalties include, but are not limited to,
fines, injunctive relief and the reimbursement of the Town’s
attorney’s fees and costs.

The effective date of this Ordinance or any amendments thereto shall be
the day immediately following it/their adoption at a Regular or Special Town

I hereby attest that this is a true copy of the Swan’s island Electrical
Installation and Inspection Ordinance duly adopted at a Regular or Special Town
Meeting held on , 2004
Town Clerk